Wonderblades – My First Level 50 Legendary

In January 2019, I caught a Groudon. It caught on the second to last Pokeball. Back then, I was only just level 30, and I didn’t have very many counters. It had also taken 5 people to beat the raid, because the best water type back then was Kyogre with Surf, and it hadn’t been available since January 2018 when it was first released, so many people didn’t have the candy to power one up to level 40. At the time, I was using stuff like Blastoise and Venusaur and whatever grass types I could get my hands on. This… [Continue Reading]

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TennoLive 2024 Randomness

So I was going to write a big old thing about TennoLive 2024. Frankly, I’m kinda still trying to process it. Because, the more I think about it, the less sense it makes. It’s 2am as I’m writing this, I just got off a Discord call with some Fortuna 69 friends, I just left the abandoned Warframe 1999 mall relay, I’m confused as fuck. I also kinda… don’t want to spoil anything? Because, like, I think TennoLive 2024 is something best watched for yourself. Explaining it is hard. There’s people with Warframe bodies but normal human heads and military gear… [Continue Reading]

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