Squeezing More Affinity, XP and Focus Out Of Our Warframes

To say that there’s a lot of grinding to do in Warframe is pretty accurate. After all, if your goal is to increase your Mastery Rank, you need to level up items. If you are heading towards True Master or the Legendary ranks, you need to obtain and level up pretty much every single weapon, warframe and more in the game. Thankfully, there are ways to speed up the grind a little. As I’ve mentioned before, these locations are great for leveling things up, but can get boring after a while. That being said, it’s also worth looking into optimizing… [Continue Reading]

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The Only Five Focus Abilities You’ll Ever Need

Focus, unlocked by completing the Second Dream and expanded upon in the War Within, is a strange, somewhat tedious thing to farm. At first, farming Focus is insanely difficult as you’ll only ever have one or two Focus Lenses at first. You’ll obtain more later on, via bounties and events and things like that, but the initial focus farm is slow and tedious and just doesn’t get anywhere, because about 1% of all affinity you earn is turned into Focus. On whatever you have a lens equipped on. Slowly, things do open out. Over time, you’ll get more lenses and… [Continue Reading]

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On Focus 2 and Focus 2.5

When the Plains of Eidolon were released, so was something else. A complete do-over of the Focus schools, the ability trees your Space Kids use. They were reworked and changed up. Everyone got all their Focus points back to spend in the new schools. The themes of each school remain the same. Unairu is based on tankiness. Naramon focuses on death and melee. Zenurik remains the go-to for all your energy needs. Each school has a combination of passive abilities for Operators (e.g. extra armour, extra movement speed, extra energy regeneration), passive abilities for Warframes and Operators (extra armour, extra… [Continue Reading]

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Focusing your Focus

After you complete the main part of the Second Dream, weird things happen. Basicallt, as to not reveal what really happens (after all, I have a whole article for that!) you get a new ability. Well, sort of. You actually get the choice to unlock one of five abilities, from one of five schools. These schools are called Focus schools (or Tenno schools), and your new ability, generally activated by tapping the 5 button, is your Focus ability. But before you use your Focus ability in a mission, you need to wait for it to charge up. Depending on how… [Continue Reading]

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