World of Peacecraft: The Neutral Pandaren Lifestyle

In both of my previous WoW articles, I claimed to have played only two characters for my entire on-and-off history with the game. This is essentially true, since the druid is Alliance and the warlock is Horde and that means I can interact with every part of the world between the pair. I’ve never really felt any urge to make more characters since leveling is my least-favorite part of the game. The only thing that ever tempted me to make a third character was learning about a specific quirk through which a player could theoretically reach max level without ever… [Continue Reading]

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Amesha – The Only Archwing You’ll Ever Need

Warframe really has a little bit of everything in it. We’ve got journeys to the Void, our own private ships and landing crafts, and  we even have our own space ship, the Railjack, with which we can do missions in space. But before Railjack, we did still have something of our own that we can fly with. Archwings and Archwing content aren’t that amazing, but they are vital to both Railjack, open worlds and they even have their own mission types. But despite there being five different Archwings (four plus one prime), you’ll only ever need one. And no, it… [Continue Reading]

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Legendary Rank 2

So, after a really weird grind, I finally made my way to Legendary 2, the current (at the time of writing) highest rank you can get. I originally wasn’t actually chasing after Legendary Rank 2, but after playing a bit of Citrine’s Last Wish, I realized I was way closer than I thought. So I decided why not, and went ahead to farm a few things. And by farming, I mostly mean trading. After selling a Legendary Core (probably the one I got for reaching Legendary Rank 1, ironically), I put some platinum to one side and traded for Khora… [Continue Reading]

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[Planetside 2] Searching For Saviors

Today, February 21st, is an important milestone in my Planetside 2 career. Exactly 10 years ago, I first donned my spandex and took my earliest steps onto Auraxis’ battle-scarred continents. I can’t remember much about those beginning days beyond what I chronicled in older articles. But without even knowing it, I’d unwittingly started what would eventually prove to be the longest and slowest grind I have ever attempted in a video game. Your Mission, Soldier In 2014, Daybreak Games added the Directives system into their MMOFPS to provide some rewards for mastering the various facets of combat. Now you could… [Continue Reading]

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Reaching Level 44 and the Uselessness of Levels after 40

After a long, slow grind, I finally made my way to level 44 in Pokemon GO. It took me ages, and the last 100k of experience needed felt like wading through treacle, with how slow it felt. But I finally did the four tasks I needed to reach level 44, and I also finally had enough experience to actually level up. Some lucky people got free wins off me, thanks to me needing to play in the GO Battle League 20 times. But the other three challenges, I borrowed my brother’s phone and I did 90 games, 30 in each… [Continue Reading]

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On Archon Hunts and Shards

Back in the New War, we fought some boss enemies known as Archons. They were weird amalgams between Warframe and Sentient, with a massive crystal sticking out of their bodies. After each battle, we’d rip out that Archon Shard and give it to Natah to help her heal. There were three bosses, two fought as the Drifter and one fought by our Warframes. After the New War, it was believed that the Archons were dead. Well, turns out they’re not dead. Someone by the name of Pazuul has shoved new shards into these Archons and brought them back to life.… [Continue Reading]

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Everything is a Syndicate these days

When Veilbreaker came out, I had a hell of a time playing the very first mission. It had a slow start, but built up in a pretty cool way, eventually ending with exploding ships and help from an unexpected place. The Veilbreaker quest was great, and I do wish that there was more of it. The characters in the Veilbreaker quest were excellent, and it set up quite a strange situation, where we sort of end up helping a quaint little base on Earth. Of course, I’m talking about Kahl. Veilbreaker is all about the plucky Grineer saving and serving… [Continue Reading]

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Team Fortress 2 – A Game Without much of a Grind

The other day, I was browsing through my Team Fortress 2 inventory, which is really a relic of history these days, since I don’t play any more. As I looked at them, I realized something odd. I never had to grind to get those items. I either traded for them, they were given to me or I got them as a random drop. Almost all weapons are basically random drops these days, although most cosmetic items are generally paid for, either via trades or from keys spent and used on crates. While looking at my backpack, I came to a… [Continue Reading]

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Medic Plays A Real Pokemon Game for the First Time – Part 11

I think my initial instincts are correct. This game is easy. Almost too easy. Then again, I’ve been doing it to myself. Leveling up my Pokemon seems like the best strategy to win fights. Who cares if Galarian Weezing uses Sludge Bomb against a Rillaboom? Not when the Rillaboom is ten levels higher. The Rillaboom in fact took out the Galarian Weezing and was then swapped out, thus not dying. My question is, is this the same with the rest of the game? I honestly don’t know, but I’m gonna try it anyway. I am going to keep on leveling… [Continue Reading]

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Medic Plays A Real Pokemon Game for the First Time – Part 3 – Off-screen Catching

I’m supposed to be going to Motostoke Stadium to do some more competitive stuff, but frankly, I wasn’t particularly happy with my team. Not having any idea of what is coming up, I decided to do some off-screen catching of Pokemon. I mean, all I had were a handful of Pokemon from the starter area, all of whom needed leveling up. So I felt like I needed to catch and level up some stronger Pokemon. The difference between level 10 and level 15 feels huge. Turns out, those 5 levels make a huge difference. To the point that my poor… [Continue Reading]

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