Payment in Detonite Injectors and Fieldrons

I’ve been doing a lot of Invasions lately. Or rather, looking at invasions and wondering whether I can be bothered to do them or not. And then eventually doing them anyway because I need loot. Well, I say loot, I mean components. Well, I say components, I mean a handful of resources to build clan tech weapons. Alright, so Invasions are simple. There’s two types: you either have Corpus attacking Grineer nodes or vice versa, or you have Grineer or Corpus fighting off Infested, often called an Infested Outbreak. If it’s an Infested Outbreak and the mission node under attack… [Continue Reading]

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Plague Star Has Returned!

From April 5th to April 17th, Plague Star is back, bringing Infested and a massive, hideous lump of cancerous matter to the middle of the Plains of Eidolon. The event is a platform-wide operation, affecting the Plains no matter what if you’re on PC, and is probably coming back to Console versions in 2-3 weeks. The way Plague Star works is pretty much the same as last time. You grab the Infested Catalyst blueprint from your Clan Dojo, you build some and equip them in your gear slot, you accept the bounty from Konzu in Cetus, you head out to… [Continue Reading]

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Building a new friend for Volt Prime

In Warfame, you’re just some person with a collection of scary, metal suits. But in my head, each suit is actually an individual character with their own personalities, which you may have spotted in some of my recent Warframe fan fictions. Of course, the sort of person that I am, I realised that while my beloved Volt has a buddy in Frost, my precious Volt Prime has no friends at all. I needed Frost Prime. Problem is, Frost Prime is pretty rare. He was ‘vaulted’ (i.e. retired) a long time ago. Then December 2016 came along and Frost Prime, alongside… [Continue Reading]

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Warframe – Another Look

So my current game of the moment is Warframe, the free to play space ninja game. I was playing it when my hard drive started to die, and now I have it installed on my External (good ol’ Phovidrive), I can play it occasionally in the evenings on other people’s computers. Despite actually being a very pretty game, it runs amazingly well even on potato laptops. TF2 has been working alright too, and I finally got Left 4 Dead 2 and Saints Row: the Third to work, but nothing works as well as Warframe currently. Last time I mentioned Warframe, I said… [Continue Reading]

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Warframe – Still Not Sure

So I said I was angry at video games. I still am. But I felt that Warframe deserved a third chance. Yes, third chance, because I played it over a year ago, got stuck somewhere, stopped playing, then uninstalled it to make space for another game. Elder Scrolls Online, I think. Coincidentally, Elder Scrolls Online was uninstalled to make room for Warframe this time round. 60GB of hard drive space could be used for a good 5-6 normal sized games. My first time playing was on an old account. I don’t even remember playing that account, and I’d been told… [Continue Reading]

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