On Farming Warframes to Feed to An Infested Monster

When I watched TennoLive 2020 and saw a Mag get killed and absorbed by a wall, I had two thoughts. My first thought was “what did Mag do to deserve that?” My second thought was “damn, am I going to need more Warframes?” Luckily, I have answers to both those questions. The Mag did nothing wrong. And yes, I will need a lot more Warframes. Not just any Warframes however. I will need normal Warframes. The basic ones. No Primes allowed. Luckily, I kept some of them, right? Well, yes and no. I still have my original Starter Volt. He’s… [Continue Reading]

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The Troubles With Running Out of Things To Level Up

It’s pretty easy to get to MR16 in Warframe. The journey is a long, grindy one, but it’s mostly simple. You farm for materials, you build weapons and warframes, you sell them and build more. Rinse and repeat. At low MRs, there is so much to grab that you get overwhelmed, but as you get into the swing of things, it gets so much easier. When you get to the high 20’s though? Things change. You start running out of items. By items, I mean easy items to level up. Ideally, if you’re going for efficiency, your best bet is… [Continue Reading]

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On Being Finished With Kuva Liches, For Now

The other day, I converted a Kuva Lich, sparing its life and allowing it to live. Sparing this Lich meant it had the chance to one day join me in future missions as an ally. But it also meant that I was finally finished with Liches. This last Lich, an Impact-based one, gave me the Shockwave Ephemera. Because of that, I now had a complete collection of Vengeful Ephemeras. Alongside having one of each type of Kuva Weapon, I was done. Until the next batch of Kuva Lich-related updates, I no longer need to hunt Liches. However I could still… [Continue Reading]

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Making Operators Good

I’ve never really liked the whole Operator thing in Warframe. I mean, your Operator has his or her uses, but they don’t have the best personalities and take away from the mystery of the whole Warframe thing, what with them being basically edgy kids from a familiar anime. But that being said, with some effort, you can make them into pretty useful weapons, just like your Warframes. And maybe some cosmetics. Actually, definitely some cosmetics. Because I’ll be honest, most humans in Warframe are pretty fucking ugly and the Operators are no exception. It takes extreme dedication and tedious amounts… [Continue Reading]

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On Being Done with Nightwave Already

Wow. It’s only been seven weeks and I’ve just hit level 30 on Nightwave… Wait, it’s been seven weeks? Seven weeks of weekly and daily random tasks that have nothing to do with a bunch of escaped prisoners? Wow. Right off the bat, I don’t know if that’s a long time or not long at all. Nightwave has felt like it has dragged on forever, but it also feels somewhat short. I think a lot of this is because Nightwave resets on a Sunday evening (or about 2am on Monday for me) and I generally manage to get most of… [Continue Reading]

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Single Player Pixelmon is the Most Depressing I’ve Played Recently

Lately, I’ve been playing on a very nice multiplayer Pixelmon server that recently upgraded to version 7.0.1 of Pixelmon Reforged, bringing with it all the Pokemon from the Alolan region, Z-Moves and more. The server community is very nice (if a bit ravenous and grabby) and, thanks to the various plugins they have, it’s not too hard to actually catch Pokemon. Even if you start off with nothing at all, you can slowly start catching Pokemon and leveling yourself up, because the server optionally offers you basic things like 5 Pokeballs every 2 hours, as well as daily kits containing… [Continue Reading]

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Even More Grindframe Than Usual

Is it just me or are things a lot more grindy in Warframe lately? More grindy than usual? I say this because a new update, Buried Debts is out and with it comes a new Warframe whose blueprint is locked at at the highest tier of Vox Solaris. Meanwhile, the last Warframe released, Baruuk, also had his components locked away behind Vox Solaris standing. I’ve talked about Syndicates before and how their standing systems work. You basically have your mastery rank, multiplied by a thousand’s worth of points you can earn per day for a Syndicate, after which you can’t… [Continue Reading]

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Into the Candy Grinder

Before we start, no, this isn’t about Candy Crush. I’ve been considering writing an article about that for a while, but I just don’t know where to start with that insanely popular mobile game. No, this article is about the other insanely popular mobile game, Pokemon Go. “Wait, there’s no candy grinder in Pokemon Go.” Yes there is. In fact there is enough candy for every base Pokemon up until the beginnings of Generation 4. When you catch a Pokemon, you are rewarded candy. 3 candy for a normal catch, 6 candy if you use a Pinap berry on level… [Continue Reading]

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More On K-Drives

It’s been a while since Fortuna released and while I may be max rank with Solaris United and would be max rank with Vox Solaris if I actually remembered to go and rank up with them, I am still only on the second level with the Vent Kids. Because frankly, I don’t have much reason to use my K-Drive. The reason is pretty simple. No matter what I do, it’s easier and quicker just to use my Archwing. Right now I’m rocking Itzal, teleporting across the Orb Vallis like a demented Loki/Nova crossbreed with wings, but even Elytron, the slowest… [Continue Reading]

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And We All Grind Together… Together…

Someone for the love of all that is good and pure, please help me get this fucking song out of my head. Ever since the Tennocon reveal of Fortuna, I have had the song We All Life Together stuck in my head. On loop. And now I’m going to put it in your heads so you can all be stuck as well. Seriously though, as many parodies of the song have already suggested, there will be a LOT of grind in Fortuna. If anything, the Corpus have always been more grindy than the Grineer. They’re obsessed with loot and credits.… [Continue Reading]

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