Probably the Only Priest I Could Trust – Harrow

Harrow is basically the Priest Warframe, the Masochist, sacrificing shields and energy, my two favourite things, to buff himself and his team. He is the exact sort of frame I never thought I’d like, as I’ve always been a very selfish Warframe player (Ignis Wraith blueprints aside) and why would I want to give up the things I use to stop myself from dying? Yet somehow, here I am, enjoying Harrow. You get Harrow’s blueprint from his quest, Chains of Harrow, but the rest of him is locked away behind Defection missions and a single Spy mission on the Kuva… [Continue Reading]

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An Old Medic Failing with the Best Healer Ever

For someone who calls himself Medic, mained Medic in Team Fortress 2 and had a single class make up about 80% of my gameplay, it seems really weird that I wouldn’t leap into Warframe and grab the healing character at the first opportunity. Back then, Trinity wasn’t even that hard to get, her parts dropping from a tag-team fight between two bosses I’d already soundly defeated. Considering how powerful Trinity is, was and always will be, it seems insane that Medic’s playing anyone but. That’s not to say I never play Trinity. She has her place. She’s a good frame.… [Continue Reading]

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