Lorem Ipsum

You’ve probably seen Lorem Ipsum text before. It looks like a vast amount of random Latin, but when translated into English, it’s mostly just gobbledygook. It’s still technically Latin, since some parts of it can be translated, it’s not all fake. But Lorem Ipsum’s use has been floating around for centuries pretty much. What do you use it for? Lroem Ipsum is not really real text, but it’s most common use is to be used as placeholder text. Whether it’s for an art project or a website, the Lorem Ipsum text can be used to test out how something looks,… [Continue Reading]

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Jumping through hoops with League of Legends

I know I’ve done a thing recently about League of Legends, but that was mostly about the lore and backstory of the game. The footage used in the video is made from a chopped up recording of aabicus’s first non-tutorial game, playing against intro bots. Except it’s from my perspective – he was the Jinx in the game, and I was obviously the Terror of the Void. But when aabicus and I sat down to do a few more games and discuss how things worked, I realised how convoluted everything sounded. The first thing we did was look for champions… [Continue Reading]

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