Play As A Dragon – That feeling when a mod you thought would never get updated suddenly gets updated…

It’s funny how things go. Throughout most of July, I’d kinda given up on playing Skyrim. There weren’t any new mods I fancied, I wasn’t in the mood to try anything insanely experimental and I’d pretty much given up hope that I’d see a mod come out that worked with or even replaced Burning Skies, a Playable Dragon Mod I’ve talked about a few times on here. But lo and behold, I stumbled across Play As A Dragon almost by random, sitting in the Most Recent section of Nexus Mods, a couple of pages in. Made by the same guy… [Continue Reading]

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Skyrim: Legendary Edition VS Special Edition

There are so many versions of TESV: Skyrim available right now. It’s on the Switch, it’s on PS4 and XBox, it’s everywhere. Not bad for a nearly 6 year old game. On PC however, there are two versions of Skyrim to choose from. Skyrim Legendary Edition and Skyrim Special Edition. Well, technically there’s three. The base version of Skyrim alone, Skyrim Legendary Edition and Special Edition. There’s Skyrim plus the three DLCs, Dragonborn, Dawnguard and the shitty house-building DLC no one cares about. Legendary Edition is Skyrim and the three DLCs bundled together into one package, and is also what… [Continue Reading]

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