The Nidoran Limited Research Event

Normally I like these limited research events. Catch a bunch of Pokemon, do some tasks, maybe get a shiny. Normally you end up spending a ton of Pokeballs and resources but the shiny chances are often boosted. Not as much as community days, but still overall pretty good. That being said, we’ve had one per month for the last few months, and, well, I’m getting bored of them. Nidoran Limited Research is no different. Really, the only difference between the Nidoran Limited Research and those for Drifloon and Meowth is that there’s two Pokemon instead of one. Although, in all… [Continue Reading]

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Alolan Meowth Community Research Day?

On the 10th of October, there was a community research day that I very nearly forgot about. This event involved doing research tasks. Lots and lots of them. And the reward? Alolan Meowth. With a potential to be shiny. A simple event, easy to do and with an okay chance at a normally rare shiny. Simple, but repetitive. The event went as follows: Do research, get Meowth. The research tasks are a set order, which repeat once. There’s about… 20 tasks which repeat… so 40 tasks total? A lot of them are the same and all of them include “catch… [Continue Reading]

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