A Racing Board Game

When it comes to board games, there’s always a few things that seem like they don’t translate well into such a media. One of those things is racing. I mean, how does a racing game even work in board game form? Well, it turns out, there is a way to make a racing board game. Today, I want to talk about the game Heat: Pedal to the Metal. Heat is a racing board game, where the first person to complete three laps wins the game. You can play with up to six players and there are four tracks to choose… [Continue Reading]

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An attempt at Art

Break Arts II is a beautiful game. There are moments in the race where everything blurred together into a whirlwind of colours, but throughout the game, the game looks stunning. Break Arts II is rather unusual for a mech game. While most mech games are either RTS games or action games, Break Arts II is a racing game. Imagine being able to build a race car from scratch, just that your “car” is a bipedal robot and you have the option to shoot your enemies to ruin their lead. That is Break Arts II in a nutshell. And speaking of… [Continue Reading]

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