My 5 Favourite Syandanas

When it comes to cosmetics in Warframe, there are lots of ways to customize yourself. But the most stand-out cosmetic is the Syandana, basically a special cape that hangs on the back of your Warframe. And because Warframe is a third person shooter, having a sexy back is actually pretty important. After all, we spent most of Waframe staring at our Warframes back. Thankfully, Syandanas can help make your back more attractive, and we have so many of them to choose from. So here are my five favourite Syandanas that I own and wear all the time. Nighthunter I did… [Continue Reading]

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Treating Myself with a New Pair of Wings in Warframe

The other day, I was browsing through my fashion loadouts for Volt. As you might expect, I have already bought the extra loadout slots for both Volt and Volt Prime. However, as I was trying to work out a new look for the only Tennogen skin I own, I stumbled across a Tennogen Syandana. All of a sudden, I had a desperate need to buy the Night Hunter Wings Syandana. I just had to have it, it works so well on my already-infested Volt look. So, for the first time in ages, I decided to treat myself. I went and… [Continue Reading]

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