TennoLive 2024 Randomness

So I was going to write a big old thing about TennoLive 2024. Frankly, I’m kinda still trying to process it. Because, the more I think about it, the less sense it makes. It’s 2am as I’m writing this, I just got off a Discord call with some Fortuna 69 friends, I just left the abandoned Warframe 1999 mall relay, I’m confused as fuck. I also kinda… don’t want to spoil anything? Because, like, I think TennoLive 2024 is something best watched for yourself. Explaining it is hard. There’s people with Warframe bodies but normal human heads and military gear… [Continue Reading]

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Tennolive 2023 – What Did I Just Watch

I’m writing this article literally as Tennocon ends. I’ve just watched Tennolive, the big hype event that teases what’s coming up next in Warframe. This year is special because it’s all brand new stuff that we’ve not seen before. It’s all completely and utterly new. And I’m still not really sure what I just watched. Okay so it kinda started off as normal. We see a trailer of some Entrati stuff, with a weird hint of year 2000 technology. Like, computers we use, rather than fancy far-future stuff. Oh and there’s a giant head in the middle of the room.… [Continue Reading]

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Why I Am Curious About Tennocon 2023

Tennocon is Warframe’s biggest event. It’s a real-life get-together, where players and developers get to meet up. There’s panels, art shows, cosplay and merchandise to be bought. Tennocon also hosts TennoLive, a massive devstream revealing all the cool stuff we have to look forward to. It’s the showstopper. TennoLive is where Fortuna was announced, where we first discovered liches and Raoljack, where the Sacrifice was teased and how we got the Duviri Paradox. It’s massive. But this year, I am more curious than ever. This year, I feel Tennocon is going to be different. And I’m not just thinking that… [Continue Reading]

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Tennocon 2022 Felt Kinda Rushed

Well, Tennocon has been and gone, and frankly, I feel a tad disappointed. It fall felt kinda rushed and thrown together last minute. But it also felt like I had seen most of this before. It all felt a bit like Tennocon 2021, with honestly not a lot going on. At least we started with a brand new release. Khora Prime has been released and she is utterly beautiful. And, speaking of beautiful, Titania just got a brand new deluxe skin, which looks amazing. To the point that I want to play Titania. There was also some sort of weird… [Continue Reading]

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A Scramble and a New War for Tennocon 2021

On July 17th, we got to see Tennocon 2021. And boy was it… weird. I stayed up until late to watch the show and hopefully get excited. But did I get excited? I’m… not really sure. Normally, a Tennocon event is there to hype up cool, upcoming events and gameplay. TennoLive 2021 did just that, but only for the New War. The New War however has kinda been teased for years. To hype us up, after some quick questions and answers, we got to see a live demo of the beginning of the New War. We got a handful of… [Continue Reading]

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Eating Warframes, Taking their Powers and Giving them to Other Warframes – WHAT?

TennoLive 2020 was a roller coaster of emotions and chaos, swirling around the Heart of Deimos. It’s a new open world involving ancient Orokin and a fuckton of new Infested stuff. It’s going to be massive, building on what Fortuna and Cetus created. A strange, hideous yet beautiful landscape filled with fleshy tunnels, demented death mechs, insects used as K-Drives and more. I don’t want to talk about that though. It’s interesting, but not today’s subject. I want to talk about what came BEFORE the Heart of Deimos. Let’s talk about this whole Helminth thing. But to do so, we… [Continue Reading]

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A Tennolive 2020 Article

So, I’m kinda writing this as it happens. It’s midnight on the 2nd for me, but it’s still the 1st in London, Ontario, Canada, where DE are located. Tennolive has just started and everyone is introducing themselves. There’s a lot to do, they’re starting with prizes and then they’re talking about charity things. I’m just going to write and see how this turns out, so apologies for this being not a normal article. 320k people are watching this video, just after the Tenno Trivia show has ended. How many are actually excited and how many just want Hydroid Prime, who… [Continue Reading]

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Tennocon 2019

I should point out, I wrote most of this at 3am. Because I stayed up to watch Tennolive. But Tennocon is cool. Oh so very cool. And this year, we got to watch all the shows and presentations, as they were all streamed on Twitch. That meant we got to see lots of cool stuff that was all teased as “Maybe” or “SOON.” While we’re watching the stream, people at the convention itself are doing Q&As and meeting staff and things like that. We can also buy literally everything Baro Ki’Teer has ever sold from a special Tennocon relay with… [Continue Reading]

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Tennocon Assumptions

Time zones suck. All the cool things always seem to happen in time zones that I am not in. One of those many cool things is Tennocon, the big developer stream by Digital Extremes, done live at a real life exhibition in Ontario, Canada, where we are shown all the cool shit that the devs have been working on and plan to release in the near future. The last two Tennocons that I saw brought us the Plains of Eidolon and Fortuna. Fortuna in particular was pretty insane because it started off with the song “We All Lift Together”, which… [Continue Reading]

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WTFrame! Tennocon 2018

What the fuck. What the fuck Warframe, what was that? That was all insane! I decided to stay up until 2am watching the Tennocon Live Stream, which has always proven to be pretty neat. In 2017, Digital Extremes announced the Plains of Eidolon and the Sacrifice. They decided to completely one up that in 2018 with the reveal of not one, not two but three insane things. I’m going to stick the full video here just so you can all see it, because frankly my descriptions probably aren’t doing it justice. So firstly there’s the new expansion for Venus. Named… [Continue Reading]

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