A Zorua-Themed Event Would Be Hilarious

Zorua took a while to come to Pokemon GO, but when it finally arrived, it came with a pretty nice gimmick. Rather than just appearing in the wild, Zorua spawns disguised as your buddy. It does this to the point that, if you are walking a shiny Pokemon, Zorua will appear in the wild as a shiny. And when you tap on it, if it’s a Best Buddy, it’ll also spawn with the Best Buddy badge. This gimmick can make Zorua really easy to spot if you’re walking a Legendary Pokemon, but if you’re walking something kinda normal, like an… [Continue Reading]

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Good Luck with Disguised Pokemon

Back when I was new to Pokemon GO, I had a bit of a problem. I needed to catch a Ditto in order to proceed with special research. It took me a while, but I eventually got one when Meltan was first teased as a new Pokemon, just after the Chikorita Community Day. And later on, for another quest, I needed another Ditto to proceed. I actually got lucky and didn’t have to travel far, as I found a Ditto disguised as a Rattata, about twenty minutes after I got that research. However, most people aren’t that lucky. Most early… [Continue Reading]

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Zorua Is Both Here and Obvious

After a very, very long wait, Zorua is finally available in Pokemon GO. Debuting in the Halloween Event Part 2, Zorua had a rocky start and was initially disabled, but it was released towards the end of the event, ready to disguise itself. Because that’s what this familiar, well-loved Pokemon does. And who does it disguise as? Our buddies, of course. Zorua is very obvious. Normally, spawning disguised as your buddy sounds pretty cool. Especially if you’re walking something like a Noibat or perhaps a Deino. Seeing something rare on your Pokemon radar will make you rush over to it.… [Continue Reading]

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