Yesterday’s blog post wins WordPress award for quality writing

Our blog post for September 19, 2013 was certainly a winner, wasn’t it? Probably the best thing I’ve ever written. Not a word of it was anything less than Shakespearicles-quality.

Some of you may have thought it was a bit short, clocking out at zero characters (with spaces included), but that’s because we are currently working on migrating the blog over to the SPUF server, hosted graciously by thesupremecmdr, who also hosts the SPUF server for TF2. Like last time, the new site is not perfectly finished yet, so I’ll be updating both with any new posts in the meantime. There should not again be a delay in our daily posting schedule.
So continue reading and submitting! Tomorrow’s blog post is about one of my favorite weapons, the Crusader’s Crossbow. Thank you all for being patient, and see you tomorrow.