The Guillotine Games are over!

Last Saturday our very own SPUF server was home to a new tournament, the Guillotine Games! There were 14 participants in total who fought for the title ‘Cleaverest guy on SPUF’ and a trophy to take home with them and show the world that they were the last scout standing!
The tournament started off with a King of the Hill on koth_harvest. What started off as something that seemed an endless match, during the match the point switched hands several times and both teams were struggling to cap the point and wipe out the opposing team blocking the capture point. Ultimately, after a lot of assist combos – a special shoutout to Gameboo, who rocked four dominations at one point- and a super overtime, where both teams had their timer standing on 0:00, the BLU team walked away victorious. The recently buffed Baby Face’s Blaster was surely a very helpful asset.
Next up was the team Arena deathmatch on arena_granary. This was a warmup for the upcoming 1v1 matches. The Arenas became more intense as time went on, because everyone’s HP became lower and lower. Even gravity claimed some lives at one point. The BLU team also completely wiped the RED team at one point.
After everyone got to know the map some more and got used to their projectiles, the 1v1s started. At this point, twelve challengers remained. After six tense one on ones – some fast, some slow-, the top six was decided: Huse, Huff, Vrieser, THE BEES, Boler, and me.
Huse and Huff made quick work of their opponents, and also I managed to cleave my way in the top three. Unfortunately, I was immediately eliminated by Huff, and the final duel was to be between Huse and Huff.
Huse had proven himself a great scout by pulling of a 150 crit on his previous duel, but had to, after a tense matchup, acknowledge his better in Huff, who was ultimately crowned the victor of the Guillotine games, and the Cleaverest Guy on SPUF.
Boler has recorded the games and they can be seen here, so be sure to check it out!
Also, if you are interested in this event, join the Steam group and you’ll get a notification if new Guillotine Games are coming up!
Congratulations to Huff and my thanks to everyone who participated. I hope you had as much fun as I had participating in the Games!