Team Fortress 2 Update, 7th Feb 2014

Sooo, there was an update yesterday! A huge, Quickplay-mending update! Oh and we got more hats. Let’s have a look!
First off, Strongboxes. They’ve finally opened. What was in them? No, not weapons or strange parts or anything cool. More cosmetics. Lots and lots of cosmetics, particularly jackets and things that cover the chest area. This update’s cosmetic loser was the Scout, who only received a single jacket. Oh well, he normally does well with cosmetic updates, what with an unusually large number of his cosmetic items retaining some value, so sitting out for once won’t hurt. Spy and Soldier didn’t do too well either, two items each, but Soldier’s items are nice and damn that snake is cute. Spy finally has a Pet! Medic did great as always, and Heavy did well too.

Secondly, we got some bug fixes. That annoying bug that would cause the upgrades menu to close, in which you might lose money in MvM was fixed. Apparently it was due to strange items incrementing values. An achievement bug was fixed, and the refund tokens now work correctly, hopefully. There were actually quite a few fixes that I didn’t know about, including a fix for client crashes due to ‘invalid URLs’, which I assume was for MOTDs and stuff.

Thirdly, we have some new killstreak parts, just for all the reskins and stuff that got missed out first time round. Oh and the Mantreads and the Demoman shields. The Frying Pan can now also get Killstreak parts. Australium Professional Frying Pan, 200 buds, calling it now.
Fourthly, we have weapon changes. The Reserve Shooter, which was a bit on the broken side for Pyro, was buffed to have a longer time to get mini-crits, as well as having 4 shots instead of 3. The Carbine now deals mini-crits for 8 seconds, making it Bushwaka friendly but little else. The Beggar’s Bazooka and the Short Circuit no longer receive ammo from dispensers when they’re the active weapons. The Shortstop now gets less knockback and the Natascha now has 300 ammo. Finally, the Quick Fix now works with Demoknights.
Fifthly and finally, we have the changes to Quickplay. Now, we have OPTIONS. Guess what, NO CRIT SERVERS ARE NOW ALLOWED IN QUICKPLAY! Just like I asked. Actually, they’ve done it pretty much how I suggested, with a button that gives you extra options. The extra options are No Crits, Max Players (up to 32) and respawn times. It’s a step in the right direction, even if it’s two years too late.