An Article a Day Keeps the Medic Away
Today is December 24th. Christmas Eve if you’re celebrating. The first day of Macromera if you’re a Rethavok. Either way, hopefully it’s a nice day. Things are cooking, people are excited, it’s all good. What better time than to reflect on, well, stuff.

The Daily SPUF is now over three years old, having started way back in 2013, with a handful of articles written by a handful of SPUF denizens. Now, over 1200 articles later, we have come a long way since those humble beginnings. From Blog.Org to WordPress, from server to server, we’re still here. We’ve published an article every single day, apart from September 19th 2013 when aabicus wasn’t available. Apart from that, we’ve kept on schedule, and there’s always something new to read. Every single day, we’ll publish a new article. Occasionally, we publish two, often to catch up with news and updates from our favourite games.
Our first article was about the Half Zatoichi. Our latest articles have been on various features, including PAYDAY tips, Warframe experiences and a review of Faster Than Light. While our original main focus, Team Fortress 2, has somewhat stagnated, lacking in updates, the Daily SPUF has branched out and started writing about anything but! We’ve covered a lot of video games, not just the super popular stuff like League of Legends, but smaller, lesser known games like Secrets of Raetikon, Overlord and Dino D-Day. In fact, we almost specialize in slightly older, less common games. Or really whatever our writers want to write about. Not just PC games either, any console game is fine.
But while our original focus has faded, we still write articles about Team Fortress 2. The Daily SPUF has a nice niche of looking at, well, niches. Not just small aspects of the game that people forget about, but entire minor play styles, glitches, tricks, all sorts. We’ve even dedicated entire articles to a single hat or miscellaneous item. Not many people can say that they’ve written 500 words about the Das Hazmattenhatten and lived to tell the tale.
Not only that, but we also allow pretty much anyone to register and write their own articles. Of course, we have to check them before submitting, but we’re always rather laid back with our editing skills – as long as it’s about gaming, or even if it isn’t really, we’ll happily let you submit it. After all, variety is a core part of the Daily SPUF.
I don’t want to sound like I’m tooting my own horn (heh) but that’s what makes the Daily SPUF so great. While other gaming blogs and news networks think about the big stuff, we always look at the little things, no matter what game we’re writing about. We look at the big things too, particularly big Team Fortress updates. We’re a small team, really, it’s just me, aabicus and a handful of SPUFers these days, but we’re dedicated to publishing a new article every day. Hopefully until the end of time.
I’m pretty sure when co-editor aabicus first started this blog, it wouldn’t get nearly as big as the Daily SPUF is today. And we couldn’t have done it without all our readers. Even if our SEO has tanked because I set up a redirect from Oh well, I’m glad that we have you all around still.