The Zenistar

There’s not much I dislike about Warframe, but one thing I dislike is the daily login rewards, known as Daily Tributes. It’s as if the Lotus is saying to you “oh god, thanks for coming back, Tenno! Here’s a token of my gratitude.” And by ‘token’, she means token. Your Daily Tribute is often a single ‘rare’ component, ones that can be found in any mission on any planet, and by the time you’ve reached your 200th tribute, you’ve probably got tons of. One piece of Gallium. One Neurode. One Fieldron Sample. Sometimes you’ll get a random blueprint for literally… [Continue Reading]

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Kinda Not Really Sugar Free Lemon Yogurt Ice Cream

You need an ice cream maker for this one. “Nothing is truly sugar free” ice cream 700g Greek yogurt (10% fat is nicest but 5% fat works too) 1 large lemon 1 lime 1/2 cup sweetener – what you’d normally use to sweeten tea or coffee. Zest the lemon and the lime, then juice them both. Mix the lemon and lime juice in with the yogurt and mix well. Add the sweetener and continue to mix. Throw in the zest, keep on mixing, then pour into your ice cream maker. It is worth tasting the mixture before making it into… [Continue Reading]

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