The Warframe 5th Anniversary Update is Here!
Do you like Warframe? Do you like free weapons? Do you like Excalibur? Do you like a free skin for Excalibur? Well the 5th Anniversary Update is the update for you! For a limited time only, the Dex Excalibur skin is available to all players who log in over the next few days. All you have to do is get in game and Ordis will send you a lovely inbox message telling you how amazing everything is and how much he and the Lotus love you. Why? Because Warframe is celebrating five years of being a game. The game’s pretty much exploded in popularity since the Plains of Eidolon update last year and it’s still going strong.
There are also three, THREE free (and actually pretty strong) weapons available. All you have to do is an Exterminate mission that’s limited to secondary only against the Corpus, a melee-only rescue against the Infested and a brief Interception mission against the Grineer using only your primary weapon. These missions are all under level 15, so even a Mastery Rank 1 Excalibur can do it! In fact, I did the missions with my old friend Phovos the Excalibur, who still needs a Serration mod.

The Dex Furis is a pair of Lotus styled Furis pistols, doing more damage than the single Furis pistol but at the cost of less accuracy and longer reload times. The Dex Furis are based around status, capable of getting close to 100% status chance with the four elemental/status mods. Note that mods for the normal single Furis do not work on the Dex Furis. You can use Afuris mods on the Dex Furis though.

The Dex Dakra are a pair of blades with the lotus emblem shaped into the handles that mainly deal slash damage. There are better dual weapons out there, but who cares about efficiency when you have style? You’ll want to build it for speed and status chance, although you can’t get to 100% status on it.

The Dex Sybaris is a burst rifle capable of doing plenty of damage. It’s not as powerful as Sybaris Prime but it’s a billion times better than the normal Sybaris, it’s still a heavy hitter and it’s free. The Dex Sybaris is a critical chance weapon, so you want to build for critical chance and critical damage.
All of these weapons automatically come with a weapon slot and an Orokin Catalyst, meaning you have double slots right off the bat.
Even if you have all these weapons, it’s worth doing the missions anyway, because you will get duplicates of these weapons. That’s right, you can have two Dex Sybaris if that’s what you want! You can also sell the duplicates and keep the free weapon slots. Keep in mind though that these weapons are only available once a year.
The Dex Nouchali, a fancy Lotus styled Syandana, will be available to acquire via a mission later on, as the mission is currently broken and unavailable.

As an added bonus, if you’re looking for Argon, then you HAVE to play the Anniversary missions. There’s Argon EVERYWHERE! Seriously I got about 10 Argon Crystals just by doing those missions.
As an added added bonus, the Shamrock colour palette is available for a few days. It costs 1 credit and can be purchased from the market. This colour palette contains oranges, blues, greens and golds, and is a great set of colours to have.