An Old Medic Failing with the Best Healer Ever
For someone who calls himself Medic, mained Medic in Team Fortress 2 and had a single class make up about 80% of my gameplay, it seems really weird that I wouldn’t leap into Warframe and grab the healing character at the first opportunity. Back then, Trinity wasn’t even that hard to get, her parts dropping from a tag-team fight between two bosses I’d already soundly defeated. Considering how powerful Trinity is, was and always will be, it seems insane that Medic’s playing anyone but.
That’s not to say I never play Trinity. She has her place. She’s a good frame. Trinity is INSANELY powerful. You could probably consider her as one of the most powerful healing characters ever, what with how easily she can keep a team sustained. But I could never, ever main her. Never.

When you play Medic, your healing is incredibly active. You have to go from target to target, making sure you don’t die in the process. Healing is what you DO. Uber is your reward for doing your job well. Trinity though? You just press 4 and everyone within Affinity Range (50m) is healed. Quite often completely back to full health. You can choose when to do this simply by glancing at your team’s health bars. It’s a very different sort of healing, nowhere near as engaging as playing Medic ever was, and with 100% less character.
The only hard part about Trinity is making sure you have enough energy to cast abilities. Which should never be a problem considering that even a high duration Trinity build still gets plenty of energy from Energy Vampire. Unlike playing Medic, playing Trinity has very few risks, risks that are the same as playing any other Warframe.
Seriously, you could do almost any build on her and it would probably work out in the end. That just goes to show how powerful Trinity is.
But I do play healers sometimes. If I want to heal my team, my first choice is Oberon. Not because his healing is any more engaging than Trinity’s, it’s in fact just you activating regenerating health for a bit. But Oberon’s healing works alongside his Hallowed Ground, giving more armour, and you’re given more room to actually do things, like knocking down enemies and killing more than one enemy at a time with your abilities. Harrow is not so much a healer, but he is also far more active when it comes to giving out buffs and looking after your team. Harrow makes sacrifices, draining energy to give it to team mates on headshots and draining his shields to heal allies. Trinity just presses 4 and uses Energy Vampire to keep her energy supply topped up.
Part of the reason though is that she wasn’t available from the start. By the time I had built Trinity, I was getting comfortable with Volt and Frost, both of whom are still on my main ‘roster’ of frames to this day. I also had Volt Prime early on, and Oberon and Valkyr both seemed like more interesting frames. Maybe if I’d had Trinity from the start, I would have stuck to her, the way I’ve stuck to Volt. But I doubt it. Throughout my travels across the origin system, I’ve picked up many a frame that is just more fun to play. Oberon, Rhino, Frost, Nidus, Harrow and new top-3-most-played Ivara all just… do more for me.
Both in looks and gameplay. Trinity isn’t the most attractive frame around and her premium cosmetics just don’t do it for me either.
So yeah, at the end of the day, Trinity is just really boring. And boring is the opposite of fun.
Yet SOMEHOW she’s my 5th most-played frame. Fucking Pacifism Defect did that.