Building Proper Gym Defenders in Pokemon GO

As you play Pokemon GO, you’ll quickly accrue a sizeable army of tried-and-true battlers to help you take on even the most stalwart of gyms and fearsome of raids (and soon, rival trainers!) But most of those Pokemon unfortunately will not make good gym defenders. A gym defender has an impossible task assigned to them. Even at top motivation, any attacking Pokemon will have a massive advantage going into a fight. Even worse, they likely will not be at top motivation, which only makes their chances bleaker. This makes it all the more important that you select the best possible… [Continue Reading]

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Ways to Help Newbies

Ever since the Plains of Eidolon were announced, there’s been a constant stream of new players. Unfortunately Warframe does a horrendous job of explaining things, so a lot of these newbies need help. But you don’t need to be an MR20+ player to help newbies, anyone can give them a hand! Here’s a few ways to help new players. Because they genuinely need it. Hang around on Region and Recruitment Chat There’s always people asking questions, so why not answer some of them? There’s also always people asking for help with missions (often defense missions, which are pretty hard to… [Continue Reading]

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