2500 Articles?

Have we… have we really just hit 2500 articles? Is this really the 2500th article? Really? I… I don’t believe it. Well, I do believe it because I’ve written this article about the Daily SPUF hitting 2500 articles, but it’s still pretty unbelievable. I mean, I did a triple take when I saw how many articles we had published. I had to double check and make sure the stats were correct. And then I went and re-installed a plugin that told me how many words have been written on the Daily SPUF, as well as calculating some other statistics which… [Continue Reading]

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On Re-Working Eximus Units

The idea of bigger, more powerful enemies scattered among normal mooks and baddies is a great idea. They give you something different to fight while also making you prioritize things. But Eximus units in Warframe fucking suck. Eximus units are currently just all round annoying. There is nothing particularly interesting about them, they don’t relay any important information and, as threatening as they are, they tend to die as quickly as anything else. Meanwhile, there are other powerful units that actually feel somewhat rewarding to fight against, like the Nox, which can still be shot to death but can be… [Continue Reading]

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5 Pokemon You Should Be Collecting and Getting Ready To Evolve for December’s Community Day Weekend

just like December 2018, December 2019’s Community Day in Pokemon Go won’t feature one Pokemon but will in fact reprise all the Pokemon featured in community days this year, everything from the almighty Swinub to the honestly completely useless Slakoth family. But at the same time, from 9am until 9pm on the 14th and 15th of December, you’ll be able to evolve any Pokemon from a previous Community Day to get its special Community Day Exclusive Move. But with 22 Pokemon with exclusive moves, which Pokemon should you prioritize? Well, here’s a handy list for you all. 1. Meteor Mash… [Continue Reading]

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