5 Small Changes I’d Like to See in Railjack Missions

I enjoy playing Railjack. While it’s not something I play all of the time, Railjack does offer a nice distraction from the normal grind. However, Railjack had a bit of a buggy start, and it still has problems.

While I could ramble on and on about Railjack’s bigger issues, I’d instead like some small quality of life features. After all, you’ve probably already heard about all the big fuck-ups. Anyway, here’s 5 little things I’d like for Railjack.

Make it more obvious how you can leave a squad

It’s not always understood when you can leave a squad in Railjack. In normal missions, you can just sit at extraction and just wait for a timer to go down. In Railjack though, sure, you get a bunch of reward notifications, but how do you know that you’ll actually get them? If you want to leave while the rest of your squad continues onwards, the timing can be a bit iffy, and the exit button threatens that you might lose your rewards.

On the other hand, if you want to continue playing while everyone else wants to leave, you have little choice but to go to the dry dock and leave again on your own.

What needs to be made clear is when you can extract, independent of what the rest of your squad wants.

Waypoints should work better

The waypoints in Railjack missions are kinda funky. You can’t mark things as you please. People in Archwing can mark resources and that sort of thing, and you can use waypoints in anything you board. But I feel like Railjack is missing some sort of way to waypoint while you are flying the ship. The pilot should be able to mark things like Crew Ships and the like, that all players in a squad can see.

Work on the Railjack (L) menu

Honestly, this thing has never seemed that useful. You can use it to teleport around your ship, but nothing is really labelled. Sure, someone like me knows where each little node is, but I can easily see a newer player trying to use things without knowing what they are. There’s actually a ton of cool features on the L-key map screen, such as the ability to change your crew’s abilities mid-flight, or being able to give instructions. But the menu just has too much stuff cluttering it up.

Give us a vendor

Weirdly, Railjack has a HUGE amount of rewards at the end of the mission. Not only do you have your actual reward, but all the bonus stuff like more materials and relics are in there too. If you’re farming for someone like Ash or the Ambassador, all these other rewards don’t feel like rewards at all. What would be a huge improvement is the ability to trade resources for what you really want.

Funnily enough, such a feature already exists. Because Sisters of Parvos are too skinny to use melee weapons, you can trade for the Tenet Weapons instead. Perrin Sequence carries all the Tenet melee weapons, and you need to collect a resource to buy them.

Really, Plague Star is the best example for this, and Nightwatch rewards are similar. So why don’t we have something like this for warframe and weapon parts? At the very least, put the weapon parts in a shop or something. Thank heavens that we can trade many parts, at least. But that still leaves out Oberon, Ash and the relics for Valkyr and Banshee Prime.

Choose who hosts

Although I said this article is about small issues, being able to choose who hosts a mission should have been the system from the start. Right now though, it’s basically random. When I played Railjack with some friends, despite us being in one guy’s dojo, as we loaded into the mission, we realized that I had been chosen as host. So, instead of me having 150 ping to the guy who was supposed to host the squad. the whole team now had 200+ ping as they connected to me.

This doesn’t make much sense though. Why do we not just use the ship of whoever is hosting the squad? I don’t know and it’s annoying as all heck. Especially when half the team has a bare bones ship with no mods in it.

Honestly, with all these changes, I could see Railjack missions becoming way smoother. Assuming anything in this article will ever happen…


Medic, also known as Arkay, the resident god of death in a local pocket dimension, is the chief editor and main writer of the Daily SPUF, producing most of this site's articles and keeping the website daily.

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