A Tiny Art Group
I’ve always been a bit of an arty person. For years, I have been drawing and writing and creating my own things. When people see my art, they always say it’s great. Even if I hate the final result myself. Frankly, I have very little self-confidence when it comes to my art and being praised. Heck, that’s the reason why I call myself an arty person rather than straight out calling myself an artist, it’s a lack of self-confidence.
The Tiny Art Group
The Tiny Art Group (not its actual name) is a very simple thing, hosted by a kindly lady. Every other Thursday, she posts in her Facebook group, inviting people to join her in an art class. It’s not really an art class though, more of an arty experience. Each session does a new, simple, arty thing, while also sharing cake and a cup of tea.
The arty things we do are also very varied. The last session of the year was “decorate and paint your own canvas bag”, which we all did in our own, unique ways. Two canvas bags were decorated with the letters A and O for their kids, another had coiled string, somewhat like a Van Goph style. I drew my normal dragon stuff and the last lady went with a very simple black dandelion design.

The session beforehand though? We all made little snowmen. And they were all both cute and terrifying in their own ways. None of us seemed upset, we’d had fun chatting and all that. Other sessions included decorating glasses and painting drink coasters, small things that we personalize then take home with us.
All our art is good.
Okay, yeah, sure, there are plenty of people, some of you perhaps reading this, and you’ll all claim that “no I can’t draw” or “no, I have no talent.” That’s not always true. You could be good at art. Heck, one could be REALLY good at art if they became motivated enough.
That’s the great thing about these Tiny Art Group sessions. It’s a comfortable place to relax and make something. A relaxing experience with a group of people who are all thinking the same thing: that their art is mediocre or wrong. This however is just isn’t the case. We simply take different routes to our work, and end up with similar but also unique results. Everyone sees things differently, and the best way to recognize this is to do art together in a group.
Practice makes perfect
What really sets me apart from others is that I practice regularly. I’ve been drawing on and off since the age of 10. My work also involves a lot of drawing. Because I’ve taken the time to learn, my art has progressed over the years. Most people though never really have the chance to let their arty side go. Sure, we have art in schools, but that is often a fleeting experience. Once you’re an adult, any sort of creative art gets drowned out by real life and you so rarely have a chance to do something creative.
The tiny art group though has been a nice chance for me to get out more, while also seeing the talent that most people don’t even know they have. Because, deep down, we all have a bit of artistry in us…