My Favourite Shiny Pokemon
Shiny Pokemon are cool. In the main games, a shiny is a stupidly rare thing to find, but you do have some control over it, by breeding and completing the Pokedex. In Pokemon GO however, there’s nothing you can do to increase or decrease shiny encounters. Whether you catch a shiny or not, it is 100% RNG and good luck.
That being said, I’ve caught quite a few shiny Pokemon over the years. There are still a lot of shinies that I don’t have or haven’t been released yet. So, for today’s article, I’ll be sticking to shiny Pokemon I have already caught.
Magikarp is a great Pokemon, so it makes some sense that it gets a good shiny too. Whether you disagree with my choice of walking it as your buddy, or not, that golden fish can be very alluring. On top of that though, when you do finally evolve a shiny Magikarp, you are greeted by a terrifying dragon fish creature. Shiny Gyarados may not be as golden as its fishy form, but that bright red look really suits the apex predator.
The Beldum family
When it comes to logical shinies, then the Beldum family nails its shininess. It’s not just Beldum that gets a shiny, silver coat, but Metang and Metagross do too, all three keeping to the same colour scheme. The colours chosen are neat as well. In Beldum’s case, the metal parts of it become a lovely silver, with yellow-gold components. Shiny Metagross is literally shiny.
There are LOADS of water types that become pink when they’re shiny. Makes me think that there’s a parallel Pokemon universe where oceans are magenta instead of blue. Off the top of my head, we have Swampert, Dratini, Vaporeon, Wailord and Quagsire. However, I think the best pink shiny is Kyogre, a colossal pink whale that makes even Wailord shy.
What makes Kyogre even cooler though is its Primal form, While the bright pink shiny stuff is rather toned down, Primal Kyogre is still a terrifying sight.
I’ve been a fan of Giratina since it came out in Pokemon GO. I’m not sure why but I always liked both forms. We have a stomping 6-footed Giratina and what I call “wormy” Giratina. What I like most is how the colours are flipped round. We go from grey and red to pale gold and blue, which in my eyes is pretty much a perfect look. It also vaguely reminds me of a Primed Warframe look, with blue, gold and black.
The winner overall though has to be Ponyta. I’ve wanted one for ages, what with it being one of my all-time favorite Pokemon. How can I not like it? It’s a little horse with fire instead of a normal mane. And, according to my old Pokemon cards, Ponyta’s hooves are as strong as diamonds. As a shiny, Ponyta really does stand out with beautiful blue fire.
Galarian Ponyta is nice as well. It goes from minty berry kids’ toothpaste, into a pastel green and yellow horse. Very tasty.
The only downside is that shiny Rapidash is turned down by a lot. Cream skin and lilac fire is nice and all, but Ponyta’s blue flames are certainly more amazing. Heck, the same thing is true about the Galarian variant as well.

Honourable mentions
Of course, there are many other good-looking Pokemon with even better shinies. Pokemon like Charizard and Lucario have cool shinies. On the flip side, one of my favourites is Dratini as a shiny It’s a pink dragon snake. But Dragonite at the end being all green and weird makes no sense. Charizard is the opposite of that, with mediocre base forms and an amazing final evolution.
At the end of the day though, most shinies are pretty cool. Aside from Garchomp. That shiny really sucks.
I’d say mine has to be Metagross. Platinum and gold murder spider FTW