A Lotus of Many Colours
This article contains spoilers from the New War quest. I really recommend playing the quest by yourself, before reading any further. If you are happy to (or want to) see spoilers, then come on right in!

The image just above is an old image. It’s from a very short quest in Warframe, where Ballas takes the Lotus away, leaving the player with just her helmet. The time stamp on that image reads from 2017. So we are looking at a very long gap from then until now. During that time, the Lotus was simulated by Ordis, so that us Tenno could keep on doing what we were doing.
We ended up stuck with Ordis’s purple hologram Lotus for quite a long time. Like, 4 years. No one knew whether we’d see the Lotus again, and as lead-up quests to the New War came out, many of us thought that we’d have to kill her or something. With Lotus regressing into Natah, her old name, things were getting dicey. After all, she was a Sentient again, having gone back to her family and leaving her formerly beloved children behind.
In the New War though, at least from the start, we barely see Natah move. She’s too busy dying, up until you give her some glowing crystals.
Woosh, off she goes!
Once Natah regains her strength, she charges after Ballas, knowing what he is doing. You end up defending Natah and weakening Ballas, and come to a nice conclusion where Ballas gets his life force sucked out. Honestly, the whole sequence is a mess of death and destruction, especially as we are fighting Ballas while also being set on fire from the sun.
Either way, Ballas dies and Natah is free. She’s finally free to choose who she is, and we get a nice Second Dream-like scene of us carrying Natah back to her lair. You get a happy ending and three options for the Lotus: Does she remain as the Lotus, return to her Sentient roots or continue on as Margulis? This choice is marked as “permanent” when you make it, so you have to choose wisely.
It’s up to you.
You get to decide what the Lotus should be.
What’s more interesting though is what you get once the New War quest is completed. You know that Lotus helm in the living quarters of your ship? Well, using that after the New War quest does something weird. I you change your mind? Well… Turns out they don’t actually mean permanent. For 165 Platinum (the same as a deluxe skin), you can change your Lotus into the options you didn’t pick. You can customize your very own Lotus.
And the options you get are pretty damn unique. You get Sentient Natah, Eidolon Natah, Lotus, Lotus Prime or Margulis. So, if you really want it, you can have the massive purple Sentient keeping you on track.
There’s one last thing though.
Whatever option you pick, it comes with secondary options. You can colour in the Lotus in any colour you want, from all the colour palettes you own. A bit like this:

Yep, I made my Lotus banana yellow. Because of course I did. And yes, she does show up in-game exactly like this.
Honestly, at the end of the day, I find this highly amusing and very silly. Can’t imagine what other people might do…