On Making The Worst Warframe Specter Ever

A while back, I looked at Warframe Specters. These DIY clones can offer fantastic support, and are cheap to make and use. Well, the basic ones are cheap to use, but cosmic specters are a bit too pricey. That being said, at higher levels, there’s not much difference between the different specter types anyway. Either way, there are some great specters to choose from, like Wisp and Nidus.

However, a thought occurred to me lately. What if I tried to make the WORST specter possible? How bad could it be?


It’s no competition here. The Limbo Specter does basically nothing. For the sake of balance and not ruining defense missions, all of Limbo’s abilities are turned off when you make him into a specter. This is a good thing, because a Limbo misusing any of its abilities can really mess up a mission.

I did consider some other frames though. Frost and his Snow Globe might have been problematic, because you can’t shoot through Snow Globes at all. But all other Warframes (except maybe Yareli) bring something with them, an ability or two. Limbo does nothing at all. It’s best to use normal Limbo though. Since it has lesser stats compared to its primed variant.

MK1 weapons

The very first weapons you get in Warframe are often MK1 versions, that do less damage but also have more equal stats when it comes to physical damage. So these weapons would all be great for a really shitty specter. We can make them worse though. The MK1-Strun is a useless shotgun, while the MK1-Furis is utterly pointless. And for a melee weapon, you can’t go wrong with the MK1-Furax. All of those are perfect for our useless specter.

Are there worse weapons to use? Probably. But you can’t go wrong with MK1 weapons.

Low Levels

The type of Specter you can build all depends on its type. A Cosmic Specter spawns in with more health and a higher level than a Vapor Specter does. But for the price of one Cosmic Specter, you can build way, way more Vapor Specters. Vapor Specters spawn at a slightly lower level than the enemies you’re in a mission with. So you can just throw a Limbo Specter into E-Prime and watch it try its hardest. However, there’s a way to make a Limbo Specter even worse: spawn it on the Plains of Eidolon. Or the other open worlds. The base level for the Plains of Eidolon can change based on what bounties you choose to do. Unlike enemies, your Specter will not gain any levels and will get torn apart as enemy levels rise for the bounties you do.

This Volt Prime isn't going hypo. He got hit in the face with a rocket.
This Volt Prime was a level 3 Specter. Of course it died during an Eidolon hunt.

So, as a recap, the worst Warframe Specter would be a Limbo Specter running around with MK1 weapons that no one likes, not using any abilities at all. But is it really the worst Specter?

Balls and Bombards

When it comes to the absolute worst specter though, a Waframe, even a Limbo, isn’t close at all. Baro Ki’Teer actually sells something worse. The Corrupted Bombard is normally a massive pain in the ass, even at low levels, because it has armour and shields. It’s followed by a small Orokin Drone which gives the Bombard shields, while its rocket launcher can potentially do a lot of damage. However, the Specter version doesn’t really do any of that. It’s slow and unable to aim particularly well.

But we can go deeper. At the very bottom is the Roller Specter. All it does is wander around and stagger the occasional enemy. That’s it. Even a Limbo Specter can do better than that.


Medic, also known as Arkay, the resident god of death in a local pocket dimension, is the chief editor and main writer of the Daily SPUF, producing most of this site's articles and keeping the website daily.

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