Just Some Cool Small Youtube Channels that I’d Like to Recommend
When it comes to Youtube, my recommended section is always a bloody mess. It’s mostly full of old ASMR shit or the same handful of episodes of QI or Taskmaster. And never in any reasonable order. If it’s not UK quiz shows that I’ve already watched, it’s those damn “lo fi” channels constantly popping up, “mixes” of music or videos in a language I can’t read. Occasionally I’ll find something interesting, but I have to filter through all the other stuff first.
However, sometimes you do find really cool stuff. Like the ones mentioned here.
I’ve always been interested in technology breaking in weird and wonderful ways. However, I find many people somewhat overhype things, adding unneeded suspense, or padding things out. Danooct1 doesn’t hype things up. He is a clever yet simple man who puts viruses on virtual computers and old, real computers, to show us how these viruses work and what they can and can’t do. His calm voice, demeanor and knowledge are all amazing, almost soothing.
Danooct1 did disappear a while back, but has been adding new content slowly but surely.
Sometimes, I forget something, only to suddenly remember it years later. Ingomar200 is a random channel I stumbled into back in the old SPUF days. The channel remained forgotten up until I clicked on a link from Reddit. While none of ingmar200’s videos have any sound, they are weirdly hypnotic and informative at the same time.
Science with Thomas Stevenson
Do any of you remember the Phlogisticast? No? Well, it was part of a later-SPUF podcast thing. Done pretty terribly and made back in 2014. Either way, the guy behind the podcast idea, Dekky, is now a geologist, and he makes wonderful science videos. It’s all well-made educational content, and you always come away learning something new.
Although Thomas’s work is more related to high school, he explains things very well and produces high quality learning, no matter how old you are.
I’ve known Bacxaber for as long as I’ve known, well, anyone else in Canada. It’s one of the few friendships I have that nearly pre-dates me being called Medic, before I started posting on SPUF (RIP you amazing thing). We originally met on a dark 2fort arena server where he played Heavy and I played Medic and we’ve been friends ever since. Unlike me though, Bacxaber has been making videos for ages, and on a variety of topics. While the themes of his videos vary wildly, looking at everything between Sea of Thieves, Team Fortress 2, memes and Steven Universe, there’s always good fun to be had.
The SPUF of Legend
Of course I’m going to put our own channel here. Unfortunately, both aabicus and I are overwhelmed with work, and videos take a long time to make. Plus, my vocals and computer are lame and aabicus now works in video editing, so we kinda… don’t have the time to actually make videos. They take a lot of effort and we have no effort left. Despite that though, we try our best and throw out some videos occasionally.
“But Medic, why are you recommending Youtube stuff?”
Because why not? Well, the main reason why is writers’ block. But these channels are good, I like them and I wanted to share.
It’s a funny coincidence, I’ve actually subscribed to Bacxaber some time ago, in large part for his Sea of Thieves videos.
I never would have expected you to know him, let alone know OF him. The world of the Internet really is a tiny place.
I’d also like to take this opportunity to tell you that I read your articles every day, and have done so since the SPUF days – I’m not sure you remember, but I participated (and won!) in one of your contests way back when.
So just know that, in case you doubted it, there are random people who read what you write – even though I never have anything worthwhile to comment, and your articles about Pokémon GO and Warframe (among others) may as well be Chinese to me.
Thanks for your dedication!
That really IS a massive coincidence! I really do appreciate your comment, makes me warm and fuzzy inside. Hope to see you around
I, too, appreciate the support.