On Writing On What’s On My Mind

Today is not a particularlly productive day for me. Especially for writing, which I have been struggling with for a while. I used to be able to jot something article-like with ease. These days though, I do find keeping my writing up quite difficult. The question is, how do I get my mojo back?

Originally, I would just write whatever comes to mind. A Team Fortress 2 class. A cosmetic. Perhaps a Warframe weapon or three. Or perhaps some little tiny thing no one cares about or hardly never noticed. My writing isn’t always about games. I also write about random things, like this very article. How I actually write them, how do I perpetually write articles? I’m not actually sure.

Part of it is perpetual because, well, someone needs to keep up the ‘daily’ part of the Daily SPUF. But at the same time I have my old new years resolutions and stuff like that. A promise to myself to keep on writing no matter what.

And for all these years, I have gone and done just that. How? I’m not 100% sure. But a lot of my writing is rambly and written on the spot. As I type, the words just flow from a river in my mind, onto the small stream of words you are reading right now. My brain never really shuts up and constantly spews various things, so I stick some filters in place and put pen to paper.

On a good day, my river of thoughts can produce quite a nice stream of articles. Most of the time, it’s enough to write an article or two and that’s about it.

Sadly though, that stream lately has turned into a trickle. I get an article a day at most. I just about keep things going. As long as I have four to five articles pending, I guess I am doing better than I think.

But still, I feel like I have lost something. My trail of thoughts can very quickly disappear completely. Like this article for example. Normally I can get a stream of words going, at least making some sort of ramble. But today, I am very stuck. Just writing what’s on my mind isn’t really working, because I can’t concentrate on more than one thing at a time. Currently what I am thinking about, my mental flow, is all over the place.

Of course, my own tiredness and laziness don’t help much. I have been quite busy over the last few months, so that has also made it tricky to sit down and write. Currently, I have a good 10-ish posts in Drafts that have barely been touched, aside from a title. I just haven’t been able to push my stream of thoughts to those article drafts. Ironically that’s because I have too many things floating my brain, that I can’t sit down and focus on one stream, especially when there are so many rivers developing that I have little control over.

Anyway, enough of this stuff. I’ll get back into writing normal things tomorrow. Hopefully.


Medic, also known as Arkay, the resident god of death in a local pocket dimension, is the chief editor and main writer of the Daily SPUF, producing most of this site's articles and keeping the website daily.

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