A Community Day I Completely Forgot About
Did you know that there was a Community Day the other week? On Saturday 21st of May? No? Neither did I. Now, granted, I was pretty occupied with real-life things. But my brother also plays Community Days too, and he forgot about this one as well. For two long-time players of Pokemon GO, this seems a little odd. How did we forget about a Community Day?
Sorry, Geodude.
The forgotten Community Day in question featured a pretty common Pokemon. Because this month was the Season of Alola, we were destined to get a Pokemon from the Alolan region. After all, back in April, we got an Alolan fan favourite, Stufful and Bewear. May was destined to also have an Alolan Community Day, but we got… Alolan Geodude. You know, the Alolan Pokemon that everyone’s hatched a ton of 7km Eggs for and don’t want in any way.

Pretty boring in every way.
In fact, things were so boring that I kinda didn’t catch anything. At the time, I did have access to a Pokestop and about 5 spawns, but all I did was check them. It’s not like I needed them either. In fact, I actually already had four shiny Alolan Geodudes, so technically I didn’t even need to look for new ones in the wild. I had better things to do, and didn’t even remember that the Community Day existed until Pokemon GO sent me a notification at about the event at midday.
All I did though was log in at about 1pm, evolve some Geodudes and then call it a day. Definitely wasn’t going to evolve my CP666 shiny Alolan Geodude though. That one’s part of my collection. But either way, I didn’t see myself needing to try, especially when we have some way better rock types, both in PvE and PvP.
But Niantic didn’t even try with this Community Day. Back in March, we got Alolan Sandshrew AND Kanto Sandshrew, which made a pretty nice change. Sure, the moves they got were, again, side grades, but we basically had two Community Days at once. Why on earth did we not get the same for Alolan Geodude? After all, there are people who still need shinies in both forms, and this Community Day was a good chance to repeat Sandshrew’s success.
It’s a fast attack that the entire Geodude family should have
Bouncing back on that Alolan theme, it’s even weirder that they DIDN’T have a double Community Day. It would have been the perfect opportunity to give both Golem forms Rollout as a move. Actually, Rollout should have been given to ALL Geodude forms. Not just Alolan Golem, but Kanto Golem as well. AND Alolan Graveler and Kanto Graveler. And frankly, just give both Geodude forms Rollout as well.
And you know what? Rollout isn’t even that unique to the Geodude family. The Sandshrew family, the Voltorb family, Onix and even Snorlax can all learn Rollout. Heck, Pikachu can learn Rollout if you use a TM on it.
Nothing appealing
At the end of the day, this Community Day could have been so much more interesting. But it wasn’t and it sucked. It sucked so hard that I didn’t even play it. Which is concerning, since I consider myself a bit above a standard casual player. While the next Community Day may be better, I’m still not sure whether I’d even play it.
I suppose, at least I evolved some of those Geodudes…