Medic Plays A Real Pokemon Game for the First Time – Part 1
Today, I am playing Pokemon Shield. This is my first time, and I’ve got a massive adventure ahead of me. One that I actually don’t know much about. In today’s article, I’ll be going to meet the Champion and hopefully choose my first Pokemon.
Here we go!
I’ve chosen my character. She’s a small girl with blonde hair. She just needs a name, because I’m not going to use her actual name. So for now her name is Retvik. I know that’s a name I normally use and it doesn’t fit at all, but it doesn’t matter. And it’s better than calling her Medic.

The game starts with an introduction to Pokemon via a big TV splash thing, showcasing Galar, its leader Rose (who is a guy) and the undefeated champion of the area, Leon. Leon poses around a bit and then makes his Charizard stupidly large. After that, we go back to my character, watching the event on her phone.
We have a quick conversation with mum, pick up my hat and bag and go outside to meet Hop.
Anyway, down to the station, and we immediately see Leon. I have no idea how Leon could manage to get lost walking the straight path back to his own house. Hop though is just really excited to see him. This is where we pick our Pokemon.
“I choose you, Grookey!”
I ended up going for the grass type, assuming that Hop would pick Scorbunny, which kinda weirds me out. But no, Hop took Sobble and instantly lost against my Grookey. I named him Grohl, after the legendary drummer Dave Grohl, who played drums for Nivarna.
Once we have our Pokemon, we go off looking for a Wooloo that has broken down a gate and wandered into a foggy forest. Of course, we have to go save it. We fight a handful of wild, level 2-3 Pokemon, before suddenly running into Zamazenta. Or at least an illusion of it. My character decides to throw Grohl at it and, as expected, we do nothing to it. And then, conveniently, we faint, only to be saved by Leon.

We head back home, then make our way into town to grab our Pokedexes. Or rather, I just get the Pokedex app on my Rotom phone. Which I suppose makes sense and fits better with modern times. After all, when Pokemon originally came out, mobile phones weren’t a thing. For some reason, the assistant wants me to go and see her gran, and tells us to go to Route 2.

Route 2 is just like Route 1 but with bigger grass patches. Leon suddenly appears and shows us how to catch Pokemon. It’s oddly simple, but Leon doesn’t tell us to weaken the Pokemon first, which is odd. Now I can catch things, I immediately walk into some grass, straight into a Nickit and a Galarian Zigzagoon.
I decide to take a break here. So I go back into town and visit the Pokecenter to heal my newly caught Pokemon.
Next time, I’ll be going down route 2 to meet both the professor and the assistant’s gran, for some reason…
Part 0
Part 1 <- You are here
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21