Medic Plays A Real Pokemon Game for the First Time – Part 2
Hiya and welcome back to the idiot who’s never played a Pokemon game before. Last time round, we saw route 1, went to a pokecenter and picked up a pokedex. This time round, we need to go and visit the Professor, who is at the end of Route 2. While I thought this would be a quick visit, it turned out to be way longer than I expected.
A trip to the Professor
On our way to the Professor’s house though, we run into our first few actual Pokemon trainers that aren’t Hop. these guys all have 1-2 Pokemon each and I smash all of them with Grohl the Grookey.

Speaking of smashing, we get to the professor’s house and, already, I am fighting Hop again. We need to prove to Leon that we want to do the gym challenge and also challenge Leon himself. Professor Magnolia, an older woman, watches along. At this point we both have the same number of Pokemon, but Grookey is still super effective against poor Sobble. Hop also notices that I got a critical hit, but that was nothing more than sheer luck.
I also gave Punk a chance to fight too, but one-hit-killing Hop’s Sobble with Grohl’s Branch Poke is far too amusing.

Immediately afterwards, two magic crystals fall from the sky. One for me and one for Hop. Turns out, they’re related to how Dynamaxing works, and, with little effort, we are both given a Dynamax bracelet, so we can make things big ourselves.
Going to the station
Of course, Hop asks if we want to race to the station. I just let him do as he wants while I catch some more Pokemon to round out my party. With very little effort, I add Chomp the Chewtl, Peck the Rookidee and Gruff the Yamper to my party. They’re all weak but oh well. I think I need more than just two dark types to go along with Grohl.

After that, I meet up with Hop and, before we get on the train. Our mums pop by to send us off, and they also give us camping sets so we can, well, go camping. We don’t arrive at the next city straight away though, Instead, we are dropped off at the station. We first have to run through a wild area outside of the city entrance, avoiding Pokemon along the way.
Of course, the first damn thing I run into is a level 26 Onix. It kills 4 members of my party before finally allowing me to run. I didn’t want to fight that Onix, but it very much wanted to see both me and my Pokemon dead. I now know what it feels like to be a Pokemon GO Grunt. And it did. With only a level 5 bird and a level 8 fox left, I decided to just leg it and go straight into town before some other giant Pokemon came around to finish me off.

Just let me heal my Pokemon, dammit!
I make it up the giant stairs to the city and, thankfully, I see a Pokecenter. But before I can get to it, there’s an inescapable cutscene of the city, focusing on the stadium/gym in the middle. Once that was over, I head to the Pokecenter and… fricking Sonia pops up and says to me “Go to the Pokecenter to heal up!”
No shit, Sherlock, that’s exactly what I’m trying to do!
At this point, I was kinda pissed off, and decided to take break. Fuck you, giant Onix and fuck you, Captain Obvious.
Part 0
Part 1
Part 2 <- You are here
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21