Medic Plays A Real Pokemon Game for the First Time – Part 3 – Off-screen Catching
I’m supposed to be going to Motostoke Stadium to do some more competitive stuff, but frankly, I wasn’t particularly happy with my team. Not having any idea of what is coming up, I decided to do some off-screen catching of Pokemon. I mean, all I had were a handful of Pokemon from the starter area, all of whom needed leveling up. So I felt like I needed to catch and level up some stronger Pokemon.
The difference between level 10 and level 15 feels huge.
Turns out, those 5 levels make a huge difference. To the point that my poor Punk the Zigzagoon nearly got beaten to death by an Oddish. I had kinda assumed that the wild areas outside of Motostoke wouldn’t be that high, but it’s pretty damn easy to run into level 30 Pokemon. Basically I need to avoid all the big Pokemon that spawn on normal grass. But the Pokemon that spawn in the tall grass also seem highly leveled. I think the closer you get to Motostoke’s massive staircase, the higher the levels of the wild Pokemon in the grass.
Running away though seems kinda random. Half the time though it seems to fail for me, and I have to watch yet another Pokemon of mine faint. Surely not every Pokemon I meet is faster than me?
I never thought a Tympole would be my savior.
Based on sheer luck, I managed to catch a level 15 Tympole, which I swiftly named Tim. I was honestly just getting it for my Pokedex. But this Tympole had a couple of moves that I could actually use. While Supersonic has failed every time I’ve used it, Mud Shot and Acid both did good damage, and Round is… round, I guess. Because Tim is a higher level than anyone else, he became my new lead, if only because he had more health and better moves.
Using a mix of Tim and Punk, I went forward to catch some more Pokemon. Next on my list was a Pancham, because I felt I needed a Fighting type. I did later on catch a Tyrogue, but I decided against bringing it to my party, since I already had the Pancham. the Wingull was just for the fun of it, and maybe I’ll use it later on to fly or something.
I also stuck around a bit to get some more experience. My starter had a lower level than Tim the Tympole, and I powered him up a bit, as well as giving Grohl a small break. The order of the rest of my Pokemon, I decided not to worry about them.

Got a party I’m slightly happier with now.
I think I have a lot of resistances here. My previous party had too many dark type sand normal types. There is a little bit of overlap here (I have two water types) but at least water is a useful type. And with Tim the Tympole at the front, I have something on the same level as Grhol the Grookey, so I’m not relying completely on my starter Pokemon.
Either way though, I have no idea what happens next, and I spent quite a bit of time catching these Pokemon. I was supposed to go straight to the stadium for something, but I needed to do this first. I just hope that I don’t have to fight level 20+ Pokemon again.
Part 0
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3 <- You are here
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21