Medic Plays A Real Pokemon Game for the First Time – Part 4
Who likes cut scenes? I do! Actually, I kinda don’t. Which is a shame because I’m going to be sitting through one. I’m now in Motostoke, and we have to go to the arena for some sort of opening ceremony. Before we can do that though, there’s a list of chores that need doing. We need to book into the hotel and get our special costumes fitted. It seems that every challenger has to wear a costume with a number on it, so of course I chose my lucky number to be 666.
The opening ceremony starts the next day, after you’ve booked into the hotel. However, there are a bunch of Team Yell grunts holding everyone up. So of course I challenge them to a Pokemon battle. The first guy has a single Zigzagoon, and is followed by a female grunt with only a single Nickit.

Suddenly, Hop appears and now we… are doing a double battle? The same two grunts fight Hop and I, and my Tympole does most of the work. Mostly because Hop is still using his damn Wooloo. We kick the shit out of the Team Yell guys and everything settles down, everyone buggers off to bed.

The next day, I am dragged into the massive cut scene. Rose and Leon enter the arena and Rose announces the actual challenge, that you have to beat every gym leader before you have a shot at Leon. We then get to see seven of the eight gym leaders. Where’s the 8th? No idea but it’ll probably be Rose or someone we’ve met before. After the gym leaders, all the challengers arrive on the pitch and there’s cheering and that’s pretty much it.
I think that whole thing was kinda pointless, but we see Leon and Rose after the event and we have a quick chat. Before everyone heads off, we’re told to go to the next town over, where the first gym leader resides. I also fight Hop again, and he hasn’t really changed.

Anyway, we need to make our way to the next town. And that involves walking through a mine for some reason. I admittedly dodge most of the trainers on the way and end up only fighting a few of them. At the end of the mine though, my character is challenged by Bede, who is basically a smug prick that Rose hand-picked to be a challenger. However, once its Hatenna is out, the rest of his party falls apart and Bede disappears.
Once I’ve beaten Bede, I finally make my way over to the next town, where the Grass type gym leader lives. I get to meet him straight away as he tries to stop a Wooloo from rolling into me and knocks my character over. Before doing any of that though, I wander around and run into a kid dressed as a Pikachu. Who only has one Pikachu. It’s around about now that I get my first evolution. Grohl the Grookey becomes Grohl the Thwackey. What’s also nice is that my other Pokemon are catching up to Tympole. Both Grohl the Thwackey and Punk the Zigzagoon have picked up some better moves now.

After a nice chat with Hop, I made a big realization. Pretty much none of my Pokemon have anything they can use against Grass types.
Oh well. Back to catching Pokemon…
Part 0
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4 <- You are here
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21