Medic Plays A Real Pokemon Game for the First Time – Part 5
We start off Part 5 of this dumb adventure by grinding some more. I am due to face Milo, the Grass-type leader, but I have only one fire type. Yes, it’s a Growlithe, one of my favourites, but he’s lacking in levels. So after a quick grind to get Gruffle the Growlithe to level 15, I head over to the massive Turffield Stadium to challenge the gym leader. Once there, I put on my special challenger cloths and go through the doors to the gym.
Before I do anything though, I have a “Grass challenge” I need to do.
Basically, I have to herd Wooloos into various pens. Why? Who knows. To make the task more annoying, there were random Yampers running around, as well as a bunch of gym trainers. They all only seemed to have 1-2 Pokemon each, but they were annoying, an awkward distraction as you chase around Wooloos. Honestly, the silly challenge was a bit of fun, but the grass trainers forced me to heal up my Pokemon before fighting the boss. I didn’t see any way to heal my Pokemon aside from items, but I don’t have many potions at all. So I just run back to the entrance, go to the Pokecenter then come back again.

Anyway, boss time!
The first thing I notice is quite odd. Why does this gym leader have so few Pokemon? He has two that are both level 20. The first Pokemon dies with ease. Well, I swiftly work out why Milo only has these Pokemon. They’re five levels higher than most of my team. And, worse, my level 20 Tympole is weak to grass. It’s a good thing I switched Tim with Gruffle before I entered the fight.
However, things get weird when Milo’s Eldergloss comes out. The first thing I notice is that Gruffle’s Flame Wheel doesn’t do as much damage as I expected. The game is also heavily hinting that I press the giant Dynamax button. So I tapped that button, mostly because of curiosity.

Both Milo and I Dyamax our Pokemon. Because Eldergloss is faster, it goes first, and plants a bunch of flowers around us, which makes our characters heal after every round. Frankly, Dynamax seemed like a waste of time, and didn’t do anything to change the battle. As soon as 3 rounds are over, both our Pokemon turn back to normal.
however, this Eldergloss just won’t bloody die. Both my anti-grass types, Growlithe and Rookidee, perish pretty quickly, leaving me with not much. In the end, all I can do is use Grohl the Thwackey to slowly whittle down the Eldergloss while also tanking its attacks. This does eventually work, but it takes way longer than it should have.
Mission complete! I now have the Grass Badge

Milo presents me with the badge and doesn’t seem bothered by losing. Nice guy. Could do with some more Pokemon though.
Anyway, all I have to do is get to the next city and deal with the next gym. So I head down towards Route 5 and run into… a double fight but on my own, against a news reporter and cameraman. The thing that confused me the most though was how two Team Yell guys were trying to ‘borrow’ some random person’s bike. I managed to defeat both Grunts with relative ease and they both leg it. But the stranger in need of help is all like “I can’t use this bike anyway because I don’t have a Rotom”. So he just gives me his bicycle.
Time to cycle my way to the next town then!
Part 0
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5 <- You are here
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21