Medic Plays A Real Pokemon Game for the First Time – Part 6
Last time round, I managed to get the Grass badge. And this time, I’m very quickly gunning towards the Water badge. Before I do that though, I decide to level myself up a little bit. Milo’s Pokemon were a higher level than mine, and I’m pretty sure whatsherface’s Pokemon will be level 20 or higher.
I also decide to go shopping before making my way to water town. It’s always good to have plenty of potions and pokeballs. However, as I head down to the next down on my freshly ‘borrowed’ bike, I run into Hop again. And he wants to fight. Again. And, again, I beat the crap out of him.
With Hop out of the way, I realize I have no revives. So I go back to Turrfield to buy some more. THEN I get on my bike to go elsewhere. I decide to see if I can catch any good electric or grass types in preparation for the Water Gym, but nope, nothing. I grab a Pumpkaboo and that’s about it. I wanted to use Electrike but didn’t find any with actual electric moves.
When I reach the next town, I find it very small. There’s some shops and a pier and that’s kinda about it. Once I’ve healed in the Pokecenter, I go and see the ‘large’ crowd of people, who are all surrounding Rose and his assistant. The assistant shoos everyone away, but not before talking to me, saying that she and Rose want to talk in the restaurant.
Anyway, time for that gym. I can’t leave Rose waiting.
Before I jump in though, there’s a puzzle of pipes and water. I have to turn water pipes on and off in order to reach the actual arena. It’s not particularly difficult, and, thankfully, the trainers in there are pushovers. But it does mean that my Thwakey is injured before the gym battle even starts.

Not that it seems to matter at first. Grohl the Thwakey one hit kills the first two Pokemon. Razor Leaf is insanely strong. But disaster strikes. Nessa says she left the best until last, and brings out a Drednaw AND she decides to Dynamax her last Pokemon. It nukes my poor Thwakey. I should have Dynamaxed the same time the gym leader did, but I thought that I had the faster speed and would go first next turn. I’m completely wrong and Grohl is already out for the count. I bring out a Pumpkaboo and Dynamax it. But that also gets one-hit-killed, not even having a chance to attack.
Once again though, I find myself with the same problem. My super effective Pokemon are dead and I have to rely on normal damage. In this case, Punk the Linonne does the heavy lifting, headbutting the weird grumpy tortoise to death.
Thankfully, I win the battle and I’m, given the Water Badge. I like how the badges are all held together, that you are filling out a puzzle.
With that out of the way, I go to the seafood restaurant alongside this Sonia chick who has been studying Dynamax stuff. We all sit down, the only people in the restaurant, while Rose has a chat with Sonia. But before Rose can talk to me, his dumb assistant says they need to go right away. So we basically just flat out leave the restaurant, having not done anything.
Didn’t even get any seafood.
Didn’t even get to order any damn drinks!
Battling makes me hungry and thirsty.
Anyway, it’s time to make our way to the next gym, back in Motostoke. And Hop (who has reappeared at the entrance again) says we should go through the other set of mines as a shortcut, as well as to sneak and see what the Fire Gym boss is doing. Because, for some reason, the fire gym bloke is doing something secret in the mines…
Part 0
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6 <- You are here
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21