Medic Plays A Real Pokemon Game for the First Time – Part 7
Today, I’m going to be getting the fire badge! And where is the fire gym located? Back in Motostoke! Can we just get a sky taxi to go back there? We can! But the game wants me to go through this mine. Mostly for plot reasons. The first thing I see in said mine is Bede, the trainer that was endorsed by Rose. And of course, he wants to fight.
Luckily, I manage to nuke all his Pokemon. Including his Galarian ponyta. Out of instinct, I actually brought out a water type, thinking that this Ponyta was a fire type. Didn’t bother Tim the Tympole though.
Turns out, that was all Tim the Tympole needed to be able to evolve! He’s now Tim the Palpitoad! I’m not changing his name now.
Anyway, with Bede gone, I can now adventure through this admittedly very pretty mine. And I quickly discover that those tiny red dots on the floor are actually Stunfisks. Galarian ones. Luckily, they are stupidly easy to avoid, but they do put up a fight.
While I’m in the mine, I also run into more Team Yell guys, as well as some workers. They don’t last long. I also discover why Kabu, the Fire Gym Leader is in here. He’s training his Pokemon against water types as a way of buffing them up. I spot a tiny flaw in his plan, but I’ll get back to that later.
I finally leave the mine and find myself back in Motostoke. Apparently I am a little early (and not particularly confident) for the gym challenge, so I decide to head outside and catch some more Pokemon. I finally get myself a Wooloo of my own, and also catch a Noibat and a Salandit. A female one, luckily.
I then head to the hotel for some reason, because I’m still too early. But not before I put Thwakey into a box before I start any fighting. After all, it IS a fire gym and Grohl is a grass type. Don’t want Grohl getting hurt. As I enter the hotel though, I run into Hop and Marnie, and I’m challenged to multiple fights. Because of course they do, I’m that weird 10 year old using a Rhyhorn with no stone moves that I just caught. Oh and I’ve got like a 90% win rate. Either way, I beat everyone, including Marnie. I’m still unsure whether I’m actually good at this or not, or if I’m being babied by the game.
So, the next day, I hit the Fire Gym and quickly do its challenge. I quite like how this challenge works, you and a trainer battle a wild Pokemon and whoever kills or captures it wins. Unfortunately for the fire gym guys, I’m using all the fire extinguishers I can find, so I knock out their Pokemon before capturing the wild one. It’s barely a challenge, but the concept is cool.

Now it’s time to fight the big bad. Kabu is waiting for me in the ring, having spent days training against water types. Bad news for Kabu, half my squad are rock or ground types. You know, the other two weaknesses fire types have. In fact, I spent less time beating Kabu than I did the grass leader Milo. His Dynamax squiggly bug insect thing dies before I even consider using my own Dynamax. Either way, I grab the Fire Badge, then, as I go to leave, the three gym leaders I have already beaten come outside to wish me luck. Because I’m 10 years old and need it.
After all that, I take a quick break, before heading off to the next big city….
Part 0
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7 <- You are here
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21