Medic Plays A Real Pokemon Game for the First Time – Part 8
I smell a plot. It’s about time, but I think there might actually be some plot heading my way. I’ve just appeared in Hammerlocke, after having run through the wild. Luckily, I got through, but my party were not at all in one piece. Half my team got wiped by a single Gyarados that I attempted to fight, and I had to kill a lot of mid-level Pokemon to get to the city.

Once I was there though, I noted how cool the place looked. After all, it’s a giant dark castle, and the entrance was a dragon’s head. Apparently they only let in people with 3 gym badges, but that might just be a requirement for challengers. After all, everyone knows who I am. I’m the kid that the Champion endorsed.
Anyway, I get into town and heal up, before running into Leon. Being the Champion means he gets around a lot, despite being unable to navigate. I’m told I need to check out a vault or something, so I wander around a bit. I find a vault of sorts and end up running into Sonia again. She’s in a large, dark room, looking at four tapestries, which show heroes beating back the Darkest Day. This was the plot stuff I was looking for, but it doesn’t last long. I discover that there were two boys who used a sword and a shield to protect Galar from the Darkest Day, and then they became kings. A tiny bit of lore. Felt like I was in Destiny 2 for a second. Sonia thinks there’ll be more info at the nearby vault. She gives me two revives then goes away.

I also run into Leon’s rival. He says we need a new champion and that he’d love for me to beat Leon in battle. But he also hints at some sort of vault and… And suddenly I need to go to the next town over.
In order to do that though, I need to get past 2 Yell-boys who, for some reason, want us to be quiet because a sleeping snake is nearby. Hop is also there, wanting to do the same thing. I defeat them both pretty quickly, but I realize I really need a Fighting Type at some point. Hop runs off as always, and so do the Team Yell boys. An old lady then walks up to me, gives me a business card then buggers off. And then the snake wakes up, takes one look at me and slithers away in disgust?
Do I smell or something?
Either way, I’m on my own on Route 6. I call this route the “why the fuck can I not jump?” route. Seriously, most of the obstacles could have been solved if there was a jump button. I get through the route as fast as I can, then run into Hop again.

I don’t get what the kids are doing with a sentient floating bell, but I leave them to it. However, Hop is blocking access to the rest of the town, and really wants me to fight him. Hop says he wants to try something new, after being beaten so badly by Bede. I say no and he’s an ass about it. He’s “depressed and I won’t lift a finger to help”? But my battling him will make him even more depressed. And I can’t get passed unless I battle him? This sucks.
Not in the mood to see Hop’s Wooloo again, I decide to go elsewhere. After all, I REALLY need to catch some more Pokemon to better round out my team…
Part 0
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8 <- You are here
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21