Happy 9th Birthday to the Daily SPUF!
As you may have guessed from the title of this article, today is the Daily SPUF’s birthday! Normally, we don’t actually celebrate the Daily SPUF’s age. Instead we generally write about milestones, like the 3000th article. But since this website is now nine years old, we thought we’d celebrate today as well. After all, you can only turn nine years old once.
On August 18th, 2013, aabicus posted his first article about the Half-Zatoichi. In it, he explained why he hated this weapon for Soldier and Demoman. Little did aabicus know that he had started sometime great. Over a month later, on the 25th of September 2013, some random guy called Medic wanted to contribute and wrote an article about the Solemn Vow. Little did Medic know that he had stumbled into something great as well. Back in the early days, things were darker and weirder and far less Medic-y than they are now.

Somehow, nine years later, here we are, both still writing. Our collection of writings have grown incredibly large, and both of us have written over a million words each. In fact, Medic alone has published OVER TWO THOUSAND ARTICLES for the Daily SPUF, with a total of 1.6 million words written in said articles. And while aabicus’s recent writing is in a more novel form, he’s still written half a million words for this insane gaming blog he created.

It’s not all about writing though. I mean, it is, this is a blog after all. But putting that to one side, it’s been an adventure. A very bumpy adventure but also a very consistent one. There’s been an article every day since August 18th 2013, but what we write about has slowly expanded over time. We used to be primarily a Team Fortress 2 blog. Makes sense, because we always resided within the TF2 section of the Steam Powered User Forums. These days, aside from Team Fortress, we have articles about all sorts of games, from old Quake and Doom games, to classics like Minecraft and Pokemon, all the way into modern games like Destiny 2 and Warframe. There’s a little bit of something for everyone.
Now, normally, here would be where I thank all you readers. You all deserve a thank you, because the fact that anyone reads this stuff is pretty amazing all on its own. And I am very thankful for that. I also want to thank the regulars who occasionally comment and discuss our writings in our Discord channel. Your support helps a ton, especially when I’m down. Aabicus gets a thank you as well, covering my ass when I’m unable to write, and always writing something new and interesting.
But really, there’s another subset of people who do deserve a small, extra thank you – the people who constantly read my and aabicus’s nude mod articles. Conversation about nude mods is a somewhat niche subject, however we’re clearly informing people, and only recommending the mods that actually work. That being said, our most-read articles aren’t all about nudes. We’ve covered a lot of subjects, particularly in the realms of Payday 2 and Warframe, and those have become popular too.
Anyway, enough of all that, I’m gonna go celebrate. Probably by playing Warframe while chugging down an energy drink, like a real gamer. See you next year, for our 10th birthday!
Happy birthday!