On Ultra Beast Raids

The Ultra Beasts in Pokemon are a weird concept. They’re basically legendary Pokemon but not. All of them are from different dimensions and only appear in our real world via wormholes – Ultra Wormholes. These Pokemon have amazing strength, and, despite not being Legendary Pokemon, they have similar stats and details. And now these mysterious Pokemon are appearing in Pokemon GO as well.

They’re pretty cool.

I must admit, the designs for the Ultra Beasts are pretty cool. You can tell that they’re not normal Pokemon just by looking at them. There is one thing that does help separate these Pokemon a bit more though. Legendary Pokemon, there’s generally only one or two. With Ultra Beasts, while they are powerful in our eyes, in their original home dimensions, they’re a dime a dozen. Imagine that, a universe where there is definitely more than one Guzzlord.

Anyway, in Pokemn GO, these guys are slowly appearing in Raids. We’ve only had a handful so far, mainly Nihilego, Kartana and Celesteela, with others appearing via GO Fest special researches. It’s assumed that, over time, we’ll be able to raid for all of them.

Nice to have some slightly easier and different raid bosses

Okay, sure, normal Legendary Raids are pretty much the same. But the Ultra Beasts we have fought so far have been pretty cool. Kartana in particular is a lot like Attack Form Deoxys, except that Kartana actually has not-garbage moves. And it isn’t completely overshadowed by Mewtwo. Kartana’s double weakness to fire allows you to somewhat easily duo a Kartana raid, even if you don’t have the best counters. And hardcore players can potentially do it solo. Celesteela is tougher though, and lacks a double weakness to make it easier to kill.

A lucky Kartana in Pokemon GO
A lucky Kartana in Pokemon GO

Why the fuck are they regional?

WHY? Okay, sure, in the Sun and Moon games, these two are split up and you are only given one of them at first, based on what version you play. In Pokemon GO though, since we normally just raid for them, there’s no reason to split them up. It just makes everything a massive pain in the ass. The sad thing is, I think multiple Ultra Beasts are split like this, so we’ll have yet more unobtainable Pokemon.

It’s also pretty damn unfair. Kartana is an insanely good Pokemon but only appears in the northern hemisphere, while Celesteela is somewhat lacking and only appears in the south and is basically a better Skarmory. Why can’t they both spawn at the same time? Just make it a 50-50 chance to spawn either raid boss! Sure, you can get screwed over by RNG but that’s better than a literally zero chance, outside of using a third party app!

At least they look cool, I guess.

I can’t deny it, Ultra Beasts do look pretty damn badass. It’s cool to be raiding against some new Pokemon, rather than seeing the same old Legendary Pokemon. Are they actually potentially useful.

I also have my fingers crossed that we will get their shinies soon. Because Naganadel and Poipole’s shiny forms are amazing… But that probably won’t be for a long, long time…


Medic, also known as Arkay, the resident god of death in a local pocket dimension, is the chief editor and main writer of the Daily SPUF, producing most of this site's articles and keeping the website daily.

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