Why The Reaper’s Bones are my Favourite Faction in Sea of Thieves
There are several different factions in Sea of Thieves, and most of them are tied to outposts or the Pirate Lord. We have people who collect skulls, pirates that hoard all the gold they can get their hands on, and we also have merchants, who like to either ship things or send you off to find lost shipments. On top of those, we have the Hunter’s Call, who will buy any fish you happen to have, and Athena’s Fortune, who are tied to the Pirate Lord and offer various voyages to Pirate Legends.
However, not all factions are equal. For example, Athena’s Fortune only becomes available properly once you’re a Pirate Legend, and each faction wants buy specific things from you. Gold Hoarders don’t want your damn jewelry skulls. There is one faction though that will happily accept you, no matter how fleshy you are.
I’m talking about the Reaper’s Bones.

Unlike everyone else, the Reaper’s Bones only care about a few things, and that’s pure piracy. None of this sitting around being nice to each other. We should be true pirates, capturing all the gold and leaving nothing but sea wrecks and sunken ships behind us. According to the Reaper’s Bones, there’s no need to do voyages, we’re left on our own to cause our own trails of destruction, and the faction will happily accept almost any loot that we give to them.
Fight to Feed
And the best thing you can do to level up with the Reapers? Hunt down and murder other pirates then steal their emissary flags. Survival of the fittest, with loot at the end. Potentially. Not everyone carries loot, but the murder is still fun. And because whatever loot you get is going to be weird (and stolen from various other ships), the Reapers don’t care, they’re just happy to accept these stolen emissary flags. To make things a little easier, Reaper’s Bones emissaries are always marked on the world map. That being said, us Reapers don’t care because we want to fight. Normally, we want you to come to us, so we can take your flags.
The Reaper’s Bones also follow the Servant of the Flame, and are looking into bringing Captain Flameheart back from the dead. That’s the more problematic thing with the Reaper’s Bones. But I’ll happily put up with that, because Flameheart would be a better Pirate Lord than ol’Ramsey. Maybe. Either way, there would be no more laws or anything like that, it’d most likely turn into anarchy.
At the end of the day though, being a Reaper means I’m being a true pirate. We don’t need any of this running around being friends stuff that Ramsey constantly spews out. We’re pirates, monsters, skeletal wraiths all the way down. The Reapers are true pirates fueled by flames and anarchy, and I’m happy to be on their side. It’s good to be honest about these things. Sea of Thieves in particular lets me be a bit of a murderous bastard, and being a Reaper ticks all the right boxes.
Plus, I don’t really care much for voyages. As a Reaper, I can do pretty much whatever I want. And kill more people along the way.