Primal Reversion Is Nearly Here!

After so long, it seems like we’re finally getting Primal Kyogre and Primal Groudon. It’s been quite a few years since Groudon and Kyogre came out in Pokemon GO, and we’ve all been waiting for their primal forms since they came out. Primal Reversion is a massive power boost, and, in the main series games, requires the two Legendary Pokemon to hold a special item each. So how are they going to work in Pokemon GO? They work pretty much the same way Mega Pokemon do Starting in the Hoenn Tour event in February, we can finally mega evolve Groudon… [Continue Reading]

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Medic Plays Pokemon Violet – Part 6

I’ve kinda been ignoring Team Star for a bit. They’re basically a bunch of troublemakers that keep on skipping past. However, I decided to do one Team Star base to see what it’s like. It’s, well, weird.   So everything stars off as pretty normal. I go up to the gate and ask if I can come in. One of the grunts fights me with a Murkrow, then runs inside. The other grunt follows, informing everyone that I am here. So I walk into the place and it’s nothing special, just some stages and stuff. The challenge here is to… [Continue Reading]

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Things I Hate in Sea of Thieves

I love Sea of Thieves. It’s a great game and you really get the freedom of being a pirate in the open sea. However, the game isn’t perfect, and there are definitely a few things that I really don’t like about the game. After all, no game is perfect. Get your ass moving The default movement speed in Sea of Thieves isn’t the greatest. Both in water and on land, you can sprint and swim alright, but that all stops when it comes to loot. While it makes sense that carrying a massive treasure chest would slow you down, carrying… [Continue Reading]

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The Curse of Resources in Sea of Thieves

In the Sea of Thieves, there are multiple curses that can affect your character, altering how you look and completely changing your body. The Ashen curse looks like there is fire surging through your veins, while the Gold Curse is Midas’s Touch gone both right and wrong. There are also new curses, the skeleton curse from joining the Servants of the Flame, and the ghost curse from the Guardians of Fortune. But there is one curse on the Sea of Thieves that isn’t mostly cosmetic. I’m talking about the Curse of Resources. Funnily enough, I never noticed this curse at… [Continue Reading]

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A Review of Avatar, the Way of Water

The other day, I did something different and went to see a movie. I needed to ve out of the house for a bit, and the new Avatar movie gave me something to do for a few hours. Kinda felt like forever though. Anyway, I have some thoughts on the movie, so here is a basic review of the second Avatar film. First off, I want to get over the visuals. The movie does look pretty damn stunning. While I care little for the mechs, ships and robots, the designs of the beasts and the oceanic shots are very reminiscent… [Continue Reading]

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On Pies

I love pies. Stick anything fitting into a pie crust and I will definitely eat it. Doesn’t matter what the filling is either. Sweet or savory, I love it. There’s something very comforting about some nice pastry with a tasty filling, especially when it’s warm and fresh from the oven. There’s so much you can do with a pie. But although they seem simple enough at a glance, turns out that a lot of work goes into making a pie. I just wish making a pie wasn’t such a pain. Well, it’s not a pain, but it’s also not completely… [Continue Reading]

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Little Things I Want in the Sea of Thieves

Sea of Thieves is already a game brimming with content, but there’s always some little things that I want to see in the game. Little things that would boost player morale. Tons more clothes and facial hair Sea of Thieves already has a fuckton of cosmetics. However, most of those cosmetics generally quite… captain-y. Most players tend to look pretty fancy, or they are basically naked while showing off tattoos. But there’s very little left in the middle. Pirate gear that pirates would actually wear. Years back, there was a clothing leak that would have fixed this issue entirely. And… [Continue Reading]

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Medic Plays D&D for the First Time In A Year

It’s been a long, long time since I properly played Dungeons and Dragons. So when my sister messaged me with a campaign idea she’d had, I jumped at the idea. For the first time in over a year, we would finally get the group back together and play. Well, we were playing online via Discord, but you get what I mean. After a long time discussing characters, we settled on three characters: Regret, a Tiefling Spore Druid with ties to the Fey Lands; Leoric, a Wood Elf Rogue who also has ties with the Fey Lands; and finally, me, Milo,… [Continue Reading]

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Medic Plays Pokemon Violet – Part 5

So I’ve been playing Pokemon Violet for a bit now, and I have realized that there’s more to life than unlocking Pokecenters so I can fly to them. Now it’s time to make some actual progress, and that involves going to the next gym. Mostly so I can start catching more Pokemon and have them listen to me. The next gym, located in Artazon is a grass gym, with an addiction to Sunflora. Seriously, there are so many statues of them lying around. They’re about as obsessed with Sunflora as the previous gym was with Smoliv. And, of course, just… [Continue Reading]

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Larvitar Community Day Classic

The Larvitar family is a pretty interesting one. Alongside the Beldum family, these Pokemon are the only pseudo-Legendary Pokemon that aren’t dragon types for a change. They’re also definitely great Pokemon overall, and they have Mega Evolutions too. So it’s worth grabbing Larvitars whenever you can. Finally, a chance to get some Larvitar shinies For me, I’ve actually only managed to catch 3 shiny Larvitars in the past. Despite catching a LOT of Larvitars, the shinies not so much ellude me but beg to have a few more in my collection. This event allowed me to get a shiny Tyranitar… [Continue Reading]

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