More Pokeballs, Please

With the recent raid day for the Ultra Beasts, we actually got a new Pokeball, for the first time in years. The Beast Ball is designed to catch Ultra Beasts more easily, but struggle to catch normal Pokemon. That Beast Ball made the Ultra Beast raid day so much more fun. Being able to catch our targets with ease meant that we spent less time catching and more time raiding. Plus, I find that Beast Balls look really cool. In Pokemon GO though, we actually only have five types of Pokeball; Pokeball, Great Ball, Ultra Ball, Premier Ball and the newly released Beast Ball.

Image by Tox Mendoza from Pixabay
Image by Tox Mendoza from Pixabay

What balls do we add though? After all, we don’t want to end up with too many Pokeballs cluttering up your inventory. We’d have to choose the most important balls, the ones that offer the most value. Environmental Pokeballs would be great. For example, the Dusk Ball would boost the capture rate of Pokemon that only spawn after 6pm. In the mean time, a Lure Ball would be cool for places with lots of beaches and lakes. These environmental Pokeballs would be great for encouraging people to explore and visit new places.

That being said, distribution might be a problem. You don’t want to be scrolling through a whole menu to pick the Pokeball you want. And there’s the issue that you have too many of these environmental balls. Then again, these balls could just have a capture rate of 1, exactly like a normal Pokeball, when not used in the correct environment.

Is every ball useful?

Some balls though, we don’t need in Pokemon GO and are pretty redundant. After all, we don’t need Heal Balls because our Pokemon are caught with full health, and we don’t really need Friend Balls either, because the buddy system exists elsewhere. Luxury Balls also wouldn’t be that useful too, despite looking cool. Dream Balls are completely redundant because you can’t put Pokemon to sleep in Pokemon GO.

And then we have the Quick Ball, my favorite type of Pokeball. But isn’t it a tad… not very useful? After all, we don’t have to battle the Pokemon we catch, they just stand there, waiting for you. So the x4 capture rate on the first throw would either be too strong or made redundant because we don’t need to whittle down a Pokemon’s health in any way.

Despite not needing those types of Pokeball, there’s still a potential use for them. It’s very, very minor, but what if you could change the style of Pokeball to whatever ball you liked? A simply and entirely cosmetic system, where pokeballs just look nicer. I don’t know how many people care about what Pokeball their Pokemon are caught in, but it’d be neat to see a, for example, Giratina, in a Moon Ball. Rather than the standard Premier Balls.

One last wish

I’d also really, really, really like a Master Ball. It’d be perfect for catching 100% Legendaries that would otherwise flee. I’m still gutted that I lost a 100% Genesect due to it refusing to catch. Sometimes, no matter how well you throw, some Pokemon will just use up all your resources, refuse to stay in the ball and bugger off into outer space. Or wherever it is that fleeing Pokemon go.

The question is, how many Master Balls are too many? In the main series games, you only ever get one Master Ball and you generally use it on a Legendary or Mythical Pokemon. But Pokemon GO doesn’t quite work the same way. It’s a much longer game, and only getting one Master Ball in the nearly six years this game has been out seems a tad stingy. I doubt they’ll ever give out a Master Ball though.

Oh well, maybe one day…


Medic, also known as Arkay, the resident god of death in a local pocket dimension, is the chief editor and main writer of the Daily SPUF, producing most of this site's articles and keeping the website daily.

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