On Constantly Running Out of Pokemon Storage

In order to play Pokemon GO, you need plenty of Pokemon storage. Even if you play very conservatively, you will eventually run out of Pokemon storage at some point or another. The base amount of storage simply isn’t enough for anything really, and almost every player will run into that same old message, telling you that your storage is full.

Your Pokemon Storage is full
Your Pokemon Storage is full.

Once your storage is full, there’s only two things you can do. The first is to go into your inventory and start transferring Pokemon, until you’re back under your limit. Amusingly, this popup can even happen when you’re one off max capacity, and you want to incubate an egg. But there’s generally something you can delete in order to make more room. A random Pidove or something.

The second option is to go to upgrades and buy more storage for your Pokemon. For 200 coins, you can buy 50 extra slots of Pokemon storage. 200 coins is equal to four days of getting 50 coins. Which doesn’t sound too difficult, but is completely dependent on where you live, how many gyms you have access to and what your community is like. For me, because I live in an area with low players, getting 50 coins generally takes a couple of days as gyms are slowly overturned. Some people might not even have gyms at all, just the odd Pokestop.

For me, running out of storage happens all the time. I am a bit of a hoarder and I am also pretty sentimental, so I’m always trying to decide whether to delete Pokemon or not. I find myself generally buying more storage when community days come by, because I tend to catch a lot of Pokemon on these events. There’s also a lot of high IV Pokemon that I cling on to, but never get around to evolving, or am simply waiting for an event to evolve them. This is especially true with Pokemon like Rhydon and Metagross and their pre-evolutions, since they’re such strong Pokemon. But I also find myself clinging on to probably too many Legendary Pokemon too. There’s no reason to have more than 6 of a Legendary, yet I have a good 25 or so Rayquazas, including a shiny 98% maxed out one. Then again, with Rayquaza, it has TWO limited time moves, and I don’t have enough Elite TMs to upgrade my original team of 6 Rayquazas.

Sure, I could delete a lot of these, but I don’t have the time or patience to do so. So I just buy storage every so often. Generally around or during Community Days.

Full on storage space
Full on storage space.

Eventually though, the need for more storage catches up with even the most limiting of players. After all, are you really going to delete community day shinies, or chuck out a 98% Pokemon? And what about rare stuff like costume Pokemon? What about shadow Pokemon? Slowly but surely, your Pokemon storage builds up, and then you have to buy more Pokemon storage again.

And then there’s item space. Can’t forget about that either, especially since it’s another 200 coins for 50 storage. But at least with item storage, you do reach a point where you have plenty of space and don’t need any more. The same can’t be said for Pokemon storage.

Then again, I’m always running out of both item and Pokemon storage. I just have too much crap that I want to hold onto. Oh well, time to take over some gyms again and hope I get some coins…


Medic, also known as Arkay, the resident god of death in a local pocket dimension, is the chief editor and main writer of the Daily SPUF, producing most of this site's articles and keeping the website daily.

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