The Value of a Pinap

The Pinap Berry is probably the second most used berry, after wasting hundreds of golden Razz berries trying to catch legendary Pokemon. The Pinap is a humble berry, as it doubles the amount of candy you get from a Pokemon. Feed it to a Pokemon and it will literally shit out extra candy, assuming you catch it. It’s an insanely useful berry that gets used all the time and has an obvious reward. But the actual value of a Pinap berry seems kinda weird.

A pineapple, which is basically what a pinap berry is.
A pineapple, which is basically what a pinap berry is.

Looking at it money-wise, the real world value is hard to calculate. Pinaps are stupidly rare items that you rarely see in boxes, but the boxes are so bad that no one buys them. It doesn’t help that boxes are constantly changing as of late. But I have noticed that I have never received a Pinap berry from the daily free box. I’ve only ever seen Razz Berries in the free daily box. I looked up when Pinaps have been available in the normal boxes, but they’re insanely rare. The only box I found was an Ace box, that contained 30 Pokeballs, 10 Pinap berries and 1 Lucky Egg. For 100 coins, it was, well, kinda crap. Pokeballs and Pinaps are both regularly found by spinning Pokestops, opening gifts and getting them from research tasks, so the 100 coin box is almost a scam.

Speaking of research though, this is where the value of a Pinap gets weird. It seems that some people consider the Pinap berry to be a luxury item. Or they find it to be a cheap item. Why do I say this? because all the research tasks that reward Pinap berries are rather weird. The most noticeable research task is a green daily research task, where you catch 5 Pokemon and are rewarded with 5 Pinap berries. Which seems like a healthy amount, perhaps even too good. The Catch 5 Pokemon daily task is by far one of the most common ones, aside from feeling 3 berries to Pokemon for 5 Razz berries. Thanks to these two tasks, you can get a healthy amount of Pinap berries.

At the same time though, there’s a recurring normal research task that rewards one Pinap. It’s a Catch 10 Pokemon task and it rewards one single Pinap. Compared to the aforementioned Catch 5 Pokemon task, this research is a complete ripoff. I’ve also seen a similar task to catch 10 Normal Type Pokemon that rewards a measly 2 Pinap berries. Those research tasks are so stupid that I always immediately delete them.

At least special research tasks aren’t as cheap. Whenever a special research task asks you to use berries to catch Pokemon, there’s often some Pinap berries nearby. Special research generally tries to make it so you don’t spend all of a resource in one go – you do get some sort of return on the individual tasks. But I’ve not seen any special research tasks only give one berry, the same way normal research tasks do.

On the plus side, at least you can get Pinap berries from gifts. They’re not amazingly common, but if you do get some, you always get two. At the very least, you can open a lot of gifts in order to obtain Pinaps.

So how much is a Pinap actually worth? Not a lot, depending on your luck. I’d probably say that they’re not worth spending real world money on though.


Medic, also known as Arkay, the resident god of death in a local pocket dimension, is the chief editor and main writer of the Daily SPUF, producing most of this site's articles and keeping the website daily.

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