Poliwag Community Day
I’ll be honest, I wasn’t exactly excited with this one. Poliwag isn’t the most popular Pokemon, and we recently had a water-type Pokemon for a previous community day – twice. In fact, I nearly forgot it was happening, and a lot of my friends weren’t interested either, some of which already had multiple Poliwag shinies. But I played a little anyway, and it was alright.
A bit hot
Here in Cyprus, it’s quite hot, especially at 2pm. Even with a bit of shade, I only played for about an hour. However, in that time, I managed to get five shinies, and I got a 98% Poliwag from research. The spawns were mostly Poliwag but I did notice plenty of Adventure Week spawns as well. I saw two Aerodactyls and caught a couple of Tyrunts, although I didn’t get any ‘bonus’ shinies. But yeah, the spawns were pretty good, and I didn’t really feel the need to use an incense.

I also entered into two showcases, one for Poliwag and one for Politoed. There was also a showcase for Poliwrath but I couldn’t find one in my local area. Luckily, I managed to find some XL Poliwags and entered them into the showcases. These showcases don’t seem to last very long though, as they ended at 7pm, rather than lasting a few days like previous ones.
I also finally hatched a Larvesta, which was nice.
Two Pokemon to Evolve
Poliwag is one of those rather unique Pokemon that can evolve into two different Pokemon. In this case, we get Poliwrath and Politoed. So if you want a complete family, you need four shinies. Both work in different ways and have their own niches. And because of that, we actually got two different community day moves.
Politoed got Ice Punch, a charge move, while Poliwrath got Counter, a fast move. Out of the two, Poliwrath probably wins out because Counter is such a good fast move, but both moves make these Pokemon great candidates for PvP, being improvements on what they already had. Poliwrath in particular is really going to shine, because it has a strong collection of moves and can cover multiple types. Water and Fighting is also a pretty good combination, whole Politied is just plain Water.
Sadly, neither of these Pokemon are any good for PvE stuff. But that’s not too much of a problem, because we recently got two Squirtle Community Days, and Blastoise, alongside its Mega Evolution, is plenty good enough for PvE stuff.
However, Poliwrath has a second niche, and that’s for Team Rocket fights. Normally, Lucario is used on the regular thanks to Counter and Power-Up Punch, but Poliwrath has similar typing and is also a bit bulkier than Lucario. Now it has Counter, Poliwrath can fill the same niche that Lucario does, with a larger array of charge attacks. Then again, since the Riolu catch event, more people have better Lucarios now.
On the plus side, at least we got some really nice shinies out of this event. Both Poliwrath and Politoed look great, and they are both great choices for PvP. So not a bad Community Day after all.