What’s Left of the Narmer?
During the New War, a new faction is introduced, the Narmer. The Narmer are essentially a cult forced on the origin system, kept in line via Narmer Veils, the horrible helmets that both control you and delude you into thinking that your lost loved ones are still with you. The Narmer Veils produce hallucinations that keep you in line, and pretty much all Narmer wear them, making them loyal to to both the Sentients and Ballas, an Orokin executor and one of the few remaining Orokin left alive. At least, until the end of the New War.
However, although Ballas is now dead, the Narmer are still alive. While we may have killed a lot of Narmer during the New War, they’ve managed to keep the cult alive, and are under new management. This new management is Pazuul, an Archon made from the body of Erra, fused with a demonic goat head. Not only has Erra been revived, so have the original Archons you kill during the New War, Boreal, Amar and Nira. Via the other Archons, it seems as if Pazuul is busy accumulating resources, and has a few screws loose. He also uses quite a few lines from the bible, which is quite odd.
Anyway, the Narmer are still alive. And they still control little areas of the solar system, as well as their own Murex ships. But most of the time, we don’t really see the Narmer. The most obvious signs of them are the dead Murex you can see scattered near planets across the Origin system, but they seem abandoned. There are still Murex out there, as is proved in Veilbreaker. In Veilbreaker, you control Kahl, the Grineer from the New War that everyone loved, and you save multiple Grineer and Corpus from the control of the Narmer. Inside the Murex though, it’s mostly just Sentients, not humans with Narmer Veils on. Via Kahl, and given a base on Earth, you can do a selection of missions to save more people from the Narmer.

Every week, you can also fight one of the three revived Archons, and you get an Archon crystal from it. However, the final maps where you fight the Archons are the same every time (rotating based on the current Archon fight) and every time you manage to rip a crystal from the Archons’ bodies. During these missions, Pazuul will talk to you, saying some weird shit. We don’t see where Pazuul is actually hiding, but he does seem to be able to respawn the Archons when they’ve been defeated, so we can fight them the week after.
The other place you can find Narmer is on Venus, namely the Orb Vallis. If you speak to Eudico, she has a bounty in which you fight against the Narmer. These are mostly just normal Narmer, Corpus and Grineer with Narmer Veils. Pazuul isn’t present here.
Really though, we should be seeing more and more Narmer. After all, they took over the entire solar system. They took over every single planet, and Murex c0ntrolled the space between each planet. But now the Narmer are exclusive to only three small places and can easily be ignored. The threat of the Narmer is no more than the threat of the Grineer, the Corpus or the Infested. Heck, they’re not a threat to the Void either, which has been doing the same helmet-that-mind-controls-you thing for years.
What we really need is a more obvious presence. I don’t see why we can’t have a few Narmer-controlled nodes on the solar system. After all, the Narmer didn’t die out completely, it’s still a threat. Yet in-game, the Narmer are almost an afterthought.
In the quest added with the 1999 update, Albrecht flat out states the next step is to go to Tau, so maybe Narmer will have something to do there? Or maybe it will be Sentients vs Murmur faction. Anyways adding Narmer to the randomized invasion system would be nice as well.
They’ve been teasing Tau at us for a long, long time now, even before 1999. But the only things that managed to get to Tau are the Sentients. But yeah, Narmer invasions would be nice.