What’s Left of the Narmer?

During the New War, a new faction is introduced, the Narmer. The Narmer are essentially a cult forced on the origin system, kept in line via Narmer Veils, the horrible helmets that both control you and delude you into thinking that your lost loved ones are still with you. The Narmer Veils produce hallucinations that keep you in line, and pretty much all Narmer wear them, making them loyal to to both the Sentients and Ballas, an Orokin executor and one of the few remaining Orokin left alive. At least, until the end of the New War. However, although Ballas… [Continue Reading]

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Where the Fuck did the Narmer go?

Narmer, Narmer, Narmer. Throughout the New War, everyone was shouting about Narmer. A massive religious culty thing appeared, apparently enslaving everyone and giving them all mental blowjobs. Or something like that. Really, it was just putting masks on that made everyone feel like they got what they wanted. Magic masks so powerful that they could take anyone down. And at the centre of it all? Ballas, the Orokin executioner, controlling pretty much everything, and all that worshiped him became Narmer. Either way, there were a lot of them, but after the New War’s conclusion, the Narmer seem to simply disappear.… [Continue Reading]

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What Aftermath?

Yes, I know I’ve been writing a lot about the New War, but there is so much to unpack. After all, it is a long quest that takes at least 4-5 hours to finish. Today’s article though features the aftermath of the New War. Or rather, a lack of one. Warning, mild spoilers ahead! Turn back now if you don’t wish to be spoiled. Something is bothering me when it comes to the New War. Despite all the carnage and distraction, the latest quest’s completion feels like, well, not amazing. For a quest where the whole solar system gets taken… [Continue Reading]

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