IT’S A SMISSMAS MIRACLE! We’ve been waiting for issue 7 of the TF2 comic for 7 damn years. But it’s finally here and you should all go and read it right now. Yeah, seriously, stop reading this article and go and read the comic right now. It’s quite long. Then come back here when you’re done. If you want. No rush. We’ve waited 7 years already for this issue, make the most of it. I’ve already read it like 3 times now.
You back?
Have you read it?
Go read it.
In the mean time, I’m going to tell you that it… it’s good. The front cover though looks like an homage to Bruce Wayne as a child by his dead parents, the moment that ruined his life. The little girl, I assume is the Administrator, but it’s not 100% clear.
Now have you read it? Alright. Spoilers ahead from now on.
Okay, I can talk now.
That was an ending. It’s not the bestest greatest ending ever, especially after a 7 year wait (then again, TF2 itself was delayed for a fucking long time too…), but it’s definitely a warm ending. It seems quite clear that there was a lot of confusion in the writing room, but everything got cleared up in some way, and everything ended on a high note for, well, most folks.
Most of the story is kinda about the Administrator. It somewhat explains her actions, WHY she has been making the Mann brothers fight each other forever. It was to torture their father, Zephaniah Mann, to stop him from having a successful heir. The australium wasn’t both for keeping her alive, but for bringing Zephaniah back from the dead, so she could torture him by forcing him to watch his idiot sons fight each other. To the point that she doesn’t even remember why she wanted revenge. Gray Mann’s reappearance just spurred the Administrator to find more and more Australium so she could keep both herself and Zephaniah alive for longer, so he could continue watching his sons be morons.
This kinda ends with them both crumbling to dust, as the last of the Australium (which Miss Pauling withholds from her) runs out. But the Administrator seems to think it was worth it in the end. She made her mortal enemy suffer. Even if she doesn’t remember why she started doing this in the first place.
But the mercs all have moved on. It’s unclear whether they are still together in the story, they don’t seem to be. They’ve all got their own lives now. Miss Pauling is free to move on with her life, and Engineer no longer works directly for the Administrator either (Engineer also grew hair). Soldier is married and has two kids, Scout has married several times and has four kids but is the good single parent who loves his children. Heavy and Sniper still seem to be working. Demoman’s mum is still alive and he still has the cursed sword. Heavy’s other sisters and his mum are fine, and I think one of them marred Sniper? We don’t really see much of what happens to Pyro and Medic, but Medic did raise the baboon that gestated inside TFC Heavy to adulthood.
We even get a fucking face reveal for Spy. Holy fuck, mask-less Spy is sexy. I may have said this already.
Alright, Merasmus did kinda… die, but, like, we kill him every Halloween anyway.
But yeah, for the mercs themselves? Everything turned out alright. And I’m glad. They deserved a decent ending, and I’m happy they all came together and remained friends, even if, in the last panel, they all seem to have moved on and started living their own lives. It’s as good an ending as I could have hoped for, and there’s enough wriggle room to have more lore inserted between the end of the comics and the timeline in-game.
Really, this feels like the end of an era. I feel good. But I feel… strange too. Didn’t expect this. I feel warm and fluffy inside.
Guess it’s a Smissmas miracle after all.
It’s finally over. So many years of theorizing and fun. Here’s to many more.
I might be missing something, but there seems to be a plot hole that I can’t figure out. Why was the Administrator still making Zepheniah watch? WHAT was she making him watch, anyway? See, Gray killed both Redmond and Blutarch which marked the start of MvM. It was over, and that also means Zepheniah got what he wanted; his strongest child killed the other two.
So what’s going on? Why look for more Australium? What’s she making him watch? Did she hide his sons’ deaths it from him? Is she using backup footage (of all the moronic TF2 gameplays on YouTube)?
No, wait, that theory collapses when you remember Zepheniah’s ghost visited Redmond’s and Blutarch’s final struggle at the crater to hell that was dug out by accident (Helltower). Also, his ghost being there is kinda weird when he’s being kept alive, but it might explain why the ghost pops in and out of existence on Halloween maps – as in, he’s temporarily dead before the machine revives him, similarly to how Redmond and Blutarch kept dying and got revived in their own life-prolonging machines. That might be fridge brilliance in hindsight.
Back to the issue though… were Redmond and Blutarch both sent to hell somehow and are still fighting as ghosts? Did the mercs put cameras there when they got taken with them?
I really don’t understand this one.
I might be missing something, but there seems to be a plot hole that I can’t figure out. Why was the Administrator still making Zepheniah watch? WHAT was she making him watch, anyway? See, Gray killed both Redmond and Blutarch which marked the start of MvM. It was over, and that also means Zepheniah got what he wanted; his strongest child killed the other two.
So what’s going on? Why look for more Australium? What’s she making him watch? Did she hide his sons’ deaths it from him? Is she using backup footage (of all the moronic TF2 gameplays on YouTube)?
No, wait, that theory collapses when you remember Zepheniah’s ghost visited Redmond’s and Blutarch’s final struggle at the crater to hell that was dug out by accident (Helltower). Also, his ghost being there is kinda weird when he’s being kept alive, but it might explain why the ghost pops in and out of existence on Halloween maps – as in, he’s temporarily dead before the machine revives him, similarly to how Redmond and Blutarch kept dying and got revived in their own life-prolonging machines. That might be fridge brilliance in hindsight.
Back to the issue though… were Redmond and Blutarch both sent to hell somehow and are still fighting as ghosts? Did the mercs put cameras there when they got taken with them?
I really don’t understand this one.
I had seen someone suggest that the Administrator was playing old recorded footage back to him during MvM and after, and I suppose if he was unable to talk and tell her he knew about his sons’ deaths then it makes some amount of sense
I think Gray Mann coming back and killing the brothers was much more recent (within the last year or so, timeline-wise), and Miss Pauling/Team Fortress was sent out because he was both interfering with the Administrator’s torture of Zephaniah and he was unintentionally also doing Zephaniah’s will by finding and using up the Australium for his own needs. The Administrator wants Gray dead so she can revive the brothers and restart their pointless fights.
Wow, I feel really stupid. I didn’t even think about the possibility of reviving the brothers. Hats off to you
I think the implication is that he’s the in-game Spectator team, you play as him while spectating a match. In-universe, she makes him watch the endless battles over gravel just to rub it in his face how his worthless sons are wasting his fortune and his legacy on a never-ending pointless feud.
Since the comics take place afterward, I’d have to assume it’s archive footage, both because he’s half-senile and probably won’t notice, and so he can keep being tortured by the ruination of his family legacy and squandered future. I don’t think he’s senile enough to understand all the stuff about ghosts and Grey Mann, he just knows his two sons are abjectly failing at the actual thing he wanted them to do (determining a victor and his successor), and they’re never gonna succeed.