The Sinnoh Tour Was Okay

So the Sinnoh Tour is here and it’s basically the same both days. But, honestly, they tried to cram a lot in and kinda only did it okay. Thankfully, there were no collection challenges, but there was a desperate attempt to have both Sinnoh and Hisui in equal amounts, which kinda sucks because there are way more Sinnoh Pokemon than there are Hisui Pokemon, but at the same time, the only good raids were during the Hisui hours. The spawns in particular varied wildly – one hour consisted of crap like Bidoof and Shellos, while another hour contained awesome stuff… [Continue Reading]

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On Three-Manning A Galleon

In Sea of Thieves, having less than the recommended number of players on a ship doesn’t always work. On a sloop, you can get away with being just one person mostly because sloops are deceptively tanky, they take a lot of chainshot to break their mast and their anchor can be raised super fast, even with just one person. With brigs and galleons though, the amount of bucketing needed to keep a ship afloat is a LOT greater than a sloop, so being down a man is a massive handicap. You also can’t make use of the extra cannons, the… [Continue Reading]

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On Struggling To Write Articles Again

Lately, it’s been a real struggle to write articles for the Daily SPUF. Normally we have 10 articles ready to go, but because I’ve been busy with real life, that number has dropped down to around 5, and I really need to start writing articles again. The problem is, I’ve kinda just… written so much lately, that doing Daily SPUF articles is hard. And no wonder. I just went and checked my stats on my profile, and I have written over 2750 articles on my own. That is a LOT of articles. A minimum of 1.3 million words, assuming every… [Continue Reading]

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The Recent Warframe Soundtrack Has Been Awesome

One of the biggest things I loved about Whispers in the Walls was the soundtrack. It’s been absolutely awesome as of late. Honestly, Warframe’s soundtrack has been steadily improving over the years, and Whispers in the Walls takes it to the next level. While I was never really a fan of the opera-like soundtrack of Duviri, the Zariman and the Cavia have both had amazing tracks that nail their environments. The Murmur in particular, their music is filled with mystical, terrifying chanting in the Void Tongue, the language of the Man in the Wall. We have these combinations of harsh… [Continue Reading]

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How to Not Join an Alliance in the Sea of Thieves Part 2

Out of all the articles I thought I’d need to write a part 2 for, this article, about how not to join an alliance, is definitely not one of them. I thought that the initial article was actually nice and clear, but no, turns out, there are other ways to not join an alliance. A few of which I recently experienced. So, somehow, here are more ways on how you can not join an alliance. Don’t try and immediately keg your ally. If you want to join an alliance, then you should try not to harm them in any way.… [Continue Reading]

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Things You Shouldn’t Do When Approaching A Rank 5 Reaper Galleon

A rank 5 Reaper Galleon is probably one of the scarier things you can come across while sailing. Being rank 5 with the Reaper’s Bones emissary, they can see every other emissary on the map, and have plenty of reasons to attack other players, while having the manpower to do so. You definitely can take down a rank 5 Reaper Galleon, and they’re not perfect players, but with 4 people on board, lots of cannon balls, three masts that need to be broken to immobilize them and the ability to ignore a lot of top level damage. So, if you’re… [Continue Reading]

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A Rant About Aggron

The other day, I wasted a remote raid pass. I saw a Legendary Mega Raid for Mega Latias, saw 4 other people doing it and thought I’d join in. 5 accounts sounded plenty, right? As I jumped in, I felt even better as I noticed that I was the lowest account there, at level 45. It takes genuine effort to get to level 40, let alone 45. Yet somehow we failed this raid. We failed it 4 times before I gave up, having gone through a huge number of potions and revives. The Mega Latias had Charm and Psychic and… [Continue Reading]

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A Phoviverse MOC Article – Part 2

In yesterday’s article, I went through the two teams of beings that survived the death of the old MK4 Phoviverse. The Phoviverse is my long-running fictional universe, filled with a myriad of different beings which I swear are not all related to Bohrok. It just so happens that Allmaker Kinisis, the in-fiction creator of the universe, had an obsession with the species her son was taken from, and reused a lot of species blueprints to create the races of her universe. She also shared these blueprints with her fellow Life Goddesses, who ended up making very similar beings. Anyway, here… [Continue Reading]

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A Phoviverse MOC Article – Part 1

The thing that got me into writing was Bionicle. The first forum I ever signed up for was BZPower, the original big Bionicle forum, and from there, I joined multiple writing forums (being an admin for one for years), eventually getting into writing for the Daily SPUF and also writing my own fiction, the Phoviverse. Now, I’ve mentioned both the Phoviverse and my original long-term Bionicle fan fiction, the Bohrok-Kal’s Ramblings, before, but, well, I also have a lot of, well, actual Bionicles. When I finally got my own apartment and was no longer sharing with my brother, I inherited… [Continue Reading]

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Pokemon GO Events I’d Like To See

Pokemon GO has constant events, but honestly, after a few years, we haven’t really had any… new ones. A lot of the events we have are repeated every year. There’s events for popular holidays, we have the Ultra Unlocks in August, there’s always various fossil-based events in September and Halloween consists of extra candy and spooky Ghost types. However, I’d like to see more varied events. More interesting ones. So I’ve written down a few of my ideas. Cats VS Dogs I think I mentioned this in a previous article on this very subject, but I really do think a… [Continue Reading]

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